Home News Scottish News Hollywood A-Lister sets hearts racing in Edinburgh

Hollywood A-Lister sets hearts racing in Edinburgh


HOLLYWOOD A-lister Gerard Butler set hearts racing once as he dropped in for a drink at an Edinburgh bar.

Astonished punters at the Newsroom were shocked to find the celebrity – dressed in a black leather jacket and baseball cap –  in their midst.

And fans were soon lining up for pictures with their idol.


Hollywood A-lister Gerard Butler sets hearts racing
Hollywood A-lister Gerard Butler sets hearts racing

Drinkers in the bar told how Butler was sitting by himself having a quiet drink while checking messages on his phone.

Scott Wright, a politics student at Edinburgh University, said he and friends debated whether it even was Butler sitting side on a few feet away.

Scott, 21, said: “We called the barman over and asked him and he was like ‘yeah it’s him’. So I went over and asked if it would be okay for a picture.

“He said aye it would be okay but a little later like ten minutes or so. He wasn’t dismissive or anything he was just busy doing something on his phone.

“There was like loads of writing on the screen, like an email or something. He kept reading it and was shaking his head, I don’t know what that was about.”

He added: “He had quite a heavy beard growth and was wearing a leather jacket, jeans and some Adidas trainers. He was probably trying to blend in, he’s pretty A-list.”

About ten minutes later Scott approached the bar to get a drink and made eye contact with Butler. He offered the star one, but he politely declined.

The star then happily posed for pictures with Scott and his pals.

And when a friend’s girlfriend asked for a picture, Butler joked that he only posed for pictures with men.

Star-struck Scott said: “She was a bit confused but then she realized he was only joking. He looked well smug when they posed together.

“My pal said to him ‘my mum loves you’ and he said ‘well tell your mum I love her as well.”

He added: “When I asked him what he was doing in Edinburgh he said he had just nipped out for a quiet drink. He said he was going up to the Highlands tomorrow (wed) but I’m not sure what for. “

Shortly after Butler paid off his drinks tab and left. Scott said: ” I’m pretty sure he would have left a pretty big tip.”

Melissa Strachan from Aberdeen wrote on Facebook: “Had an AMAZING time at blondie then met Gerald Butler. WOW!!!”

She added: “Never thought I’d get star struck hahaha!”

Another fan, James Mead, proudly shared his snap with the star taken inside a nearby convenience  store.

Other fans shared their delight on Instagram.

Scott Wright shared his picture on Instagram, telling his followers that Butler said “he can be his wingman.”

Butler had been spotted earlier in the day at Edinburgh Airport and fans quickly took to Twitter to spread the word.

Molly McGill wrote: “@McGillyyy Gerard Butler at Edinburgh Airport #mademyday #gorgeousman

As Butler travelled through the city, the updates continued.

iluvglitter tweeted: “OMG Gerard Butler spotted in Stockbridge area of Edinburgh why am I always in the wrong place x”

Some fans were obviously disappointed to have missed the star however.

Lynsey wrote: “@alaska_young Gerard Butler was in Edinburgh today and I wasn’t? I’m going to kill myself oh my god”

Catherine Brown said: “@catbrownx @GerardButler is in Edinburgh and I’ve just found out now. Honestly could cry. #ilovehim”

Natalie Burke: “@nataliebxo Genuinely feel sck that @GerardButler was out and about in Edinburgh last night and I did not meet him.”

Butler’s brother, , lives in the Joppa area of the city.

The star himself was born in Paisely and studied law at Glasgow University.


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