Home Entertainment Record label that helped launch KT Tunstall comes off the Fence

Record label that helped launch KT Tunstall comes off the Fence

KT Tunstall performed alongside Fence artists earlier in her career

A SCOTTISH record  label that helped launch the career of KT Tunstall is closing after a decade on the indie music scene.

Fife-based Fence Records, which also worked with the Beta Band and Mercury-nominated King Creosote, said “this chapter had come to an end”.

But Director Johnny Lynch said the label would be reborn at some point under another name while continuing to work with some of its current artists.

KT Tunstall performed alongside Fence artists earlier in her career
KT Tunstall performed alongside Fence artists earlier in her career


The cult label, based in the village of Cellardyke, continued the folk tradition of sharing songs among artists who often collaborated live.

Tunstall  regularly performed with members of the Fence Collective early in her career.

But she later complained the label lacked commercial ambition.

Lynch said yesterday (wed): “All of a sudden there wasn’t much Fife in Fence, or much Fence in Fife.

“So, aye, it feels like this chapter has come to an end, and it’s time to move forward with something fresh.

“Before any rumours start, it’s not because I’m pregnant, or have contracted a terminal illness or anything.

And Fence hasn’t gone bankrupt, either. This hasn’t been an easy decision, and it’s taken a long time to get here, but it’s just time for something new.

“I’ve been working full-time at Fence for 10 years, now, it’s been incredible.

“I’m incredibly proud of all the releases over that time, and have endless love for all the bands. And the events! So many memories.”

Respected BBC Radio 2 presenter Edith Bowman tweeted: “Such a shame.”


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