Home News Local News Dog lovers go ‘barking mad’ for woolly pet replicas

Dog lovers go ‘barking mad’ for woolly pet replicas

The doggy replicas have proved to be a hit across the world

A SCOTS knitter has been swamped by requests from hundreds of animal lovers all over the world for woolen “mini me”  versions of their beloved pets.

Gillian Brazier has had requests from as far afield as America and Australia for her hand knitted mini pooches.

The 43-year-old from Aberdeenshire, knits small life-like versions of people’s pet dogs and cats from as little as £50.

The replicas are made with a variety of wool and needles to add texture
The replicas are made with a variety of wool and needles to add texture


She set up BrazierKnits three years ago after a Royal Wedding inspired Corgi dog she auctioned on Ebay was snatched up by Americans who began overwhelming her with orders.

Mrs Brazier creates the 6 inch pooches from photographs provided by the owners, knitting the dog inside out before stitching it together to see the pet brought to life.

She uses different needles and coloured wool to create the life-like replicas before shipping them across the world.

The doggy replicas have proved to be a hit across the world


Taking between 7-10 days to complete, she also knit beds, toys and blankets for clients who want to spoil their mini-me dogs.

Animal lovers whose pets have passed away and wish to have them immortalised in wool are popular customers.

Gillian Brazier has turned her talents to helping pet owners immortalise their pets


Mrs Brazier said: “I’ve knitted over at least 200 dogs since I began, my first dog was a surprise gift for a family friend and I’ve been doing them ever since.

“I get a lot of people who have lost their pets and want me to bring them back to life, when I complete it I post a picture and a tribute online which people like.

“People cry when they see them, it is a time consuming hobby but worth it when you see the end result.

“I love to knit but I like a challenge, the more unusual breed of the dog the better, I haven’t had a request for a Huskie yet which I think will be fun to knit.

“I once made a dog for an American lady who I later discovered worked for NASA, I joked with my husband I would have made the first knitted dog to go into space.”

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