Home News Scottish News Dad of baby born at 24 weeks gets his turn to hold...

Dad of baby born at 24 weeks gets his turn to hold tot


DELIGHTED dad Alan Coultas has finally got to hold his baby daughter – one of the smallest ever born alive in the UK.

Alan said kissing and cuddling baby Emily – born at 24 weeks on the legal abortion cut-off point – was “amazing”.

And Alan, 47, from Coldstream, Scottish Borders, enjoyed 30 minutes with his daughter who he saw smile for the first time.

Alan had not been able to hold his daughter for more than a month



Emily, who weighed just 1lb 3oz when she was born on February 27, is now up to 1lb 13oz and doing well enough to be taken off an artificial breathing machine.

The doting father revealed his tiny daughter even managed the baby “classic” of throwing up on him.

Baby Emily is thriving, putting on weight and breathing well enough for one of the machines she was attached to to be withdrawn



But she also opened her eyes and smiled.

Alan said: “It was amazing. It was a moment I’ve been waiting for since she has been born.

A delighted Alan got a smile from Emily – as well as sick



“When I was holding her she opened her eyes and it looked like she was smiling at me.

“She was sick on my t-shirt but I guess all babies do that to their daddies at some point.”

Emily’s mother, Claire Cressey, 34, said: “She is virtually breathing on her own now.

The amazing moment Claire got to hold her daughter for the first time



“We are hoping this continues and that we can bring her home soon.”

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