Home News Community Pensioner’s Veg is Top Crop Once Again

Pensioner’s Veg is Top Crop Once Again


A GREEN-FINGERED pensioner has broken records by winning the best vegetable garden in Fife – 24 years in a row.

Jim Thomson, 88, has finished in first place with his gigantic crops – which include massive potatoes, marrows and onions.

The retired civil servant from Dalgety Bay, Fife has gone from strength to strength with his crops each season – with a whopping 4ft2 inch cabbage being his personal best.

Mr Thomson puts his success down to a “well dunged garden.”

This year, he has also had a lot of success growing his onions.

Champion vegetables

He said: “I use a lot of dung and dig it deeply”

“It feels quite good to have achieved so much with this. I would recommend growing vegetables to anyone, it’s a good feeling, it keeps you going and is good relaxation. I hope to keep going with it.”

“My biggest vegetable is my 50 inch cabbage. My leeks are getting long too. Last year it was a four foot onion! “

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