Home Podcasts In the Scottish Press Miss World hopeful travels 7,000 miles to get her teeth fixed in...

Miss World hopeful travels 7,000 miles to get her teeth fixed in Scotland


A MISS World contestant is travelling 7,000 miles to Scotland to get her teeth fixed – using a 3D printer.

Miss Singapore will undergo pioneering cosmetic dental treatment at a clinic in Edinburgh so she has a perfect smile for the global beauty pageant.

Dalreena Poonam Gill, 20, travelled halfway across the world to the clinic of Scots dentist Biju Krishnan.


He claims his Cfast treatment is faster, cheaper and less invasive than traditional methods, which can take two years and cost £8,000.

Patients undergo a computerised scan of their teeth and a 3D printer is used to create a customised dental brace.

Dr Krishnan, of the Lubiju practice in Leith, explained that his braces are unique as they are not visible on the outside of the teeth.

He said: “Most adults with crooked teeth, gaps or similar minor problems just live with it because the treatments available are too invasive, too costly or take too long.

“That’s because most teeth-straightening systems are actually based on rather complex orthodontic treatments.

“But Cfast is purely cosmetic and focused mainly on the front teeth.

“It is perfect for adults who simply want to improve their smile and want it to be quick, painless, discreet and affordable.”

Dalreena, a student, was crowned Miss Singapore World last month.

She believes the £2,500 treatment could make all the difference at the competition in London in December.

She said: “I have always wanted to have straighter teeth so was looking into treatments available, but they seemed to take a very long time.

“My dentists in Singapore recommended Cfast and sponsored me to come and be treated by Dr Krishnan himself.

“The judges look at so many criteria so it will be reassuring for me to know that I will be able to smile with real confidence.

“Hopefully that will help me to relax and enjoy the whole, amazing experience.”

Traditional orthodontic treatment involves the extraction or filing of teeth.

CFast, launched in 2011, is purely cosmetic and can be completed in three to six months.

Celebrities who have had the treatment include Holly Willoughby and Alexandra Burke.

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