Home News Scottish News Former Government tsar says Scotland should have cannabis cafes

Former Government tsar says Scotland should have cannabis cafes


A FORMER UK Government adviser has said the Scots should go Dutch and open cannabis cafes.

Professor David Nutt, who in the past has advised the Ministry of Defence, Department of Health and the Home Office, said it could be “very good” for the economy.

The professor, who was sacked by the UK Government in 2009 after saying horse riding was more dangerous than taking ecstasy, also blasted plans to tackle legal highs.




Speaking ahead of talk in Edinburgh Prof. Nutt, based at Imperial College London, said: “If Scotland had a sensible medical cannabis policy you’d get a lot of health tourists and that would be very good for your economy.

“People could have a cuppa in cafes in Edinburgh and Glasgow and have a spliff as the do in Amsterdam.

“And you could also open up some of your Victorian hotels and have them as spas for people having cannabis treatments.”

Prof Nutt also described the Scottish Government’s pledge made last week to tackle legal highs as “ridiculous”.

He said it was “a gesture that politicians use in order to avoid confronting the big challenge that is alcohol”.

A spokesman for the Scottish Government said: “We have been consistent in out position that cannabis is both illegal and dangerous to health, physical and mental.”

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