Home In Brief Teacher struck off for foul language: Is he a victim of political...

Teacher struck off for foul language: Is he a victim of political correctness?


Scottish secondary teacher Michael Rankin was stuck off the teaching register last month for his colourful language.


Mr Rankin’s previous jobs included working in the Australian prison service and as a taxi driver


The 54-year-old claimed he was the victim of political correctness.

Read the full article here: https://www.deadlinenews.co.uk/2015/02/18/foul-mouthed-teacher-claims-hes-a-victim-of-pc-brigade/

Below are the charges. What do you think?

1. Between 16 August 2012 and 6 June 2013, both dates inclusive, whilst employed as a teacher by North Ayrshire Council, you did use inappropriate language towards S3 and S4 pupils and in particular you did:

a. say to Pupil A “you’re s**** at football and you’ll never make it” or words to that effect;

b. say to Pupil B “you’re a f****** idiot for not coming to my class. You should just f****** not come to my class”; c. say to Pupil F i. “for f***’s sake, how many times have I got to show you”

ii. “I s****** your mum” iii. “I need to put my glasses on, I can’t see because of too much w****** – is that why you wear glasses? Is that what happened to you?”

iv. “every time I s*** your mum she makes me a sandwich, that’s why I’m fat”

v. “you will get nowhere in life” and “you’re clueless”

vi. “you can give this present of a mirror to your mum but I already gave her a present last night”

vii. “that’s me and your mum in the back of that car” whilst the class were watching a scene from the film “Bend it Like Beckham” which showed a car bouncing up and down;

d. refer to Pupil F as:

i. a “specky m****” and “specky”

ii. a “dafty” when Pupil F asked for assistance

e. say to Pupil G “how many pies you had today” or words to that effect;

f. repeatedly refer to Pupil G as “a big bag of wind”, “fatty”, “fat b******” and “fat c***”; g. write the word “fatty” on the back of a mirror made by Pupil G and thereafter show it to the class

h. tell Pupil E to punch another pupil in the arm as a response to the pupil breaking Pupil E’s model

i. repeatedly use the words “f***,” “f******,” and “f****** idiot” when speaking to pupils

j. say to pupils “you wee b******,” “shut up you wee a*******” and “you’re f****** worthless”

k. refer to a pupil as “Shrek”3

l. whilst at a school football match in your capacity as the football team coach, say to players on the opposition team that they were “idiots” and “Cumnock m*****” and you did thereafter instruct your pupils not to mention that you had made the said comments to other teachers as the football team would be stopped and the pupils would not be believed

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