Home News Scottish News University of Glasgow teaching area to be named in commemoration of Charles...

University of Glasgow teaching area to be named in commemoration of Charles Kennedy

Charles Kennedy was found dead at his home earlier this month

A MEMORIAL fund is being set up by the University of Glasgow to commemorate the life of alumnus and former rector Charles Kennedy.

The aim of the fund is to name a major teaching area or lecture theatre within the planned new Learning and Teaching building at the University.

The initiative has been given the full support of the former Liberal Democrat politician’s family.

Principal and Vice Chancellor Professor Anton Muscatelli said: “We feel that this would be a fitting and permanent tribute to Charles’ life and work at the heart of a student-centred building.”

Charles Kennedy was found dead at his home earlier this month
Charles Kennedy was found dead at his home earlier this month


Friends and colleagues will have the opportunity to contribute to the fund at the memorial service honouring Charles Kennedy’s life which is being held at the University’s Bute Hall on Thursday, June 18, at 7pm.

The service, which will be led by the University Chaplain, the Reverend Stuart MacQuarrie, is open to all.

The service will commence with an Academic Procession, which will be piped in by Donald Campbell, who retired earlier this month as the University’s official piper, and his brother, Alastair Campbell, a close friend of Charles Kennedy.

Tributes will be paid by, among others, Professor Muscatelli, and the Presidents of the Glasgow University Union and the Students Representative Council, Rory Slater and Breffni O’Connor.

Brian McBride, a member of the University Court and former CEO of Amazon UK, will also pay a personal tribute. He was a close friend of Charles and was a President of GUU in 1975 when, as a judge of the English Speaking Union, he first met Charles when he was a school debater.

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