Home News Local News Stars take over 650-year-old Scots pub to shoot murder thriller

Stars take over 650-year-old Scots pub to shoot murder thriller


A STAR-studded cast boasting the likes of Truly Madly Deeply’s Juliet Stevenson and Game of Thrones actor Joe Dempsie took over one of Scotland’s oldest pubs today.

The stellar line-up, which also included Breaking Bad’s Laura Fraser and The Fall’s John Lynch, were in Edinburgh shooting for a major four-part BBC One thriller, One Of Us.

Cast members began to arrive at the Sheep Heid Inn in Duddingston at 7am, where they were ushered inside to begin filming.

Lighting was set up ready for shooting

One Of Us, which is set in Edinburgh and the Highlands, focuses on two families whose lives are ripped apart following a double murder.

Despite the grim subject matter, the cast could be seen grinning and enjoying themselves as they pulled up to the pub, where alcohol has reputedly been sold since 1360.

Lighting and prop vans squeezed into the tiny cobbled streets as tech crews politely asked curious passers-by to keep their distance.

John Lynch ready to shoot a scene

Around 30 ‘extras’ were drafted in for the shoot, which producers revealed was part of a funeral scene.

Actors could be seen wearing suits and black clothing as they performed in front of cameras at the well-known water hole.

Despite the rainy weather, they seemed in high spirits as they bustled around the pub before taking a midday break for lunch.

Joe Dempsie and Georgina Campbell enjoying a break in between takes

A production manager on the scene said: “A lot of the days it’s raining like this so it’s not as mad and exciting as you would think.

“I can’t really give anything away…it’s a funeral”

Locals who live along the street said they had been contacted beforehand to be told of the filming.

Lighting and tech crews filled the outside area for scenes

Janice Forster, whose home is close-by the legendary pub, said: “We were just told that filming was going to start today and that it was something to do with the people behind the TV series, The Missing.

“It’s all very exciting.”

One Of Us was written by Harry and Jack Williams – best known for penning the hit series The Missing.

Speaking previously about her role in the drama, Juliet Stevenson said: “I’m thrilled to be playing Louise in One Of Us as she is such an intriguing character.

“When I read the first script, it immediately gripped me as it’s such a unique and compelling story. I can’t wait to start filming in Scotland.”

Harry and Jack Williams have also said: “One Of Us is a thriller but also at heart a character piece. So it’s wonderful to have such a talented cast. We can’t wait to see how they bring it to life.”

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