Home In Brief OFFICIAL: Poland are the dirtiest team in Group D

OFFICIAL: Poland are the dirtiest team in Group D


BY DARREN JOHNSTONE – Capital City Press

Scotland are actually the team that will need extra protection from the referee tonight – because statistically Poland are the dirtiest side in Group D.

Data from the first eight matches each country has played shows that the Poles have the worst disciplinary record among all six teams.

(Pic: Piotr Drabik)
The Poles have committed more fouls than any other country (Pic: Piotr Drabik)


Adam Nawalka’s side have called on Hungarian referee Viktor Kassia to crack down on what they perceive to be Scotland’s rough-hand tactics this evening.

The Poles are still smarting at what Nawalka described as a ‘very brutal foul’ on talisman Robert Lewandowski by Gordon Greer during last October’s 2-2 draw in Warsaw.

But in actual fact, Poland are the worst offenders in the qualifying section having committed a huge 110 fouls, collecting 14 yellow cards in the process.

By contrast, Scotland have only conceded 80 free-kicks and have been cautioned 13 times, including the two yellow cards shown to Charlie Mulgrew in the first game against Germany.

Ireland are the second worst offenders in the group having given away 95 fouls, with Martin O’Neill’s side accruing 19 yellow cards.

Basement side Gibraltar have the best record having only committed 73 fouls.

Group D disciplinary table:

                     Fouls Committed    Yellow Cards
Poland                     110                             14
Ireland                    95                               19
Georgia                   87                               15
Scotland                 80                               13
Germany                79                                9
Gibraltar                73                                8

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