Home Business Gordon Ramsay’s Iron Man collapse caused by too much seawater

Gordon Ramsay’s Iron Man collapse caused by too much seawater

Ramsay took on too much seawater

SUPERFIT Gordon Ramsay has revealed the reason behind his collapse during this year’s Ironman triathlon – he swallowed half of the Pacific Ocean.

The outspoken TV chef took part in the gruelling Ironman World Championship in Hawaii earlier this month but failed to make it past the finish line.

And now he has revealed that he was in the best shape of his life blaming his failure on the fact that he swallowed too much salt water during the 2.4 mile swim.

The Scot, who completed the same course two years ago, made the comments during a chat with Dubai radio DJ, Kris Fade.

Ramsay, 48, said: “It was my second time there.

Ramsay took on too much seawater
Ramsay took on too much seawater


“Unfortunately I collapsed on the marathon which I’ve never done before.

“That’s never happened to me before because I push my body to the extreme.

“I did Ironman in Lake Stevens and Staffordshire so I did two prior to the run up so I’ve never been as fit as I currently am in my life.”

Ramsay said he had been training hard before taking part in this year’s Ironman which consists of a 2.4 swim, 112 mile bike ride and 26 mile marathon.

“The problem is I struggled on the swim,” he said. “I took in too much salt water and jumped on the bike.

“I was about 30k into the bike I couldn’t swallow any nutrition.

“A 180k bike ride is all about nutrition so within 5 miles into the run I bent over and then bang, next minute I was in the back of a medic van.

The Hell’s Kitchen star also revealed that he uses the marathons as a form of therapy.

He said: “That’s what I need. Once a year I need a date set to stick to the discipline ‘cause that keeps me going.

“I like doing them as a way of relaxing because they give me time to myself, they give me quality time away.

“I have no journalists, no vegans chasing my ass and I’m on my own with no interruptions, just thinking of ideas.”

Ramsay revealed that keeping fit is a massive part of his life especially since losing a number of chef friends from heart attacks and work pressures.

“We have to set an example,” he said.

“All this bulls*** about not trusting a skinny chef is the opposite never trust a fat chef as they’ve eaten all the best parts.”

He also joked that he likes to take over and offer a helping hand to his wife of 19 years, Tana, 41, when she is in the kitchen.

He laughed: “Sometimes Tana struggles with her speed and rather than wait there for three hours for dinner I jump up and jump in to speed things up.”

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