Home News Scottish News Drinker baffles publican by “borrowing” life-size gorilla

Drinker baffles publican by “borrowing” life-size gorilla

Andre is a 6-ft high gorilla model

A DRINKER has baffled a pub boss by “borrowing” his life-size model of a gorilla.

Scott Bootland, 48, walked out of the Edinburgh bar unnoticed on Sunday 8 November with the 6ft-high model of the primate called Andre.

The 6ft 6in daredevil left a card on the bar with his mobile number.

And when the owner of the bar called the number he was told: “I’ve borrowed it to show my kids.”

Andre is a 6-ft high gorilla model
Andre is a 6-ft high gorilla model


Murray McKean, 43, who kept Andre in a corner of the bar where he was a popular talking point with regulars, said Scott had already missed two appointments to return the gorilla statue until it was safely returned last Thursday evening.

The bizarre incident happened at The Tourmalet on Buchanan Street where Hibs fans were celebrating their victory over Rangers.

Murray spoke of the initial loss he felt from finding that his favourite gorilla had wandered off.

He said: “I was originally very annoyed. Andre’s a friend and I say hello to him every morning.

Murray was devastated when he realised the gorilla had been taken


“I bought him because he looked like a nice looking guy.

“He’s not very heavy, you would probably keep him in your garden and fill him with sand or dirt to keep him weighed down.

“He was a big fella that took him, he must be about six and a half feet tall. Apparently he just wanted to show Andre off to his family.

“I originally wondered how he’d managed to fit Andre through the front door, but it’s actually slightly bigger than your average door.

“The locals love Andre and he regularly gets dressed up, he’s been wearing a scarf recently.”

Scott says he took the gorilla “to show his kids”


Scott Bootland, who whisked Andre away at 10:30pm on the Sunday said he always intended on returning the gorilla.

He said: “I left my business card at the bar, I only took it to show my kids.

“I work in waste disposal so I’m very good at maneuvering things, I had no problem getting it through the door.”

Scott strapped the gorilla to his back and made his escape in a taxi.

The gorilla is now back at home at The Tourmalet


He continued: “I called for a taxi on Leith Walk, it was about a fifteen minute journey home with the gorilla, the taxi driver thought it was hilarious.

“My kids absolutely loved it, although my wife posted a picture on Facebook of me with the gorilla and I’ve got a lot of attention because of it. I’m trying to keep my head down now as I’m in a bit of trouble with the bar.”

Andre is now safely sitting back in the corner of The Tourmalet alongside an aquarium and a model Battle of Britain scene on the ceiling.

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