Home Sport Hibs Hibs midfielder Liam Henderson puts Livingston draw down to ‘bad day at...

Hibs midfielder Liam Henderson puts Livingston draw down to ‘bad day at office’

(Pic: Twitter)


Liam Henderson is hoping Hibs will not have another off day in Tuesday’s Scottish Cup clash with city rivals Hearts following a frustrating trip to Livingston.

Alan Stubbs’ side blew the chance to cut the gap on Rangers at the Championship summit to six points after drawing a blank in Saturday’s goal-less draw against the relegation-threatened Lions.

(Pic: Twitter)
Henderson scored winner for Hibs in last September’s clash at Livingston


It was only the second time this season that Hibs have failed to find the net.

Stubbs conceded that their flat display did not even warrant a victory and Henderson is adamant that they will not be as bad in the fifth round replay.

He said: “It was a bad day at the office, the football didn’t quite click.

“You look at the best teams in the world, they have days like this where it’s hard to break teams down but credit to Livingston they made it hard and they were really organised.

“I don’t think we were distracted at all by the cup game, we showed Livingston the utmost respect.

“Everyone was training hard and we did exactly the same things as if we were playing Hearts.

“I don’t think it was anything to do with that. We’ve been on a great run, it’s just one of those days.  I’m sure it’s just an off day.

“It’s probably a good thing we’ve got Hearts coming up right away. That’s the thing about football, we’ll look forward to the game on Tuesday.

“It’s a derby and I’m sure it will be feisty.”

Hibs’ failure to collect all the spoils was compounded by the fact that Rangers had drawn with Alloa earlier on Saturday.

Henderson added: “It’s disappointing given other teams dropped points, at Hibs you’re expected to win every game.

“We’re really disappointed but we’re going to have to work really hard, we’ll anaylse the game and see what we can do better.

“We’ve played three games in a week and that’s just what happens when you’re in every competition and you’re fighting at the top.

“Strikers and midfielders need to take responsibility for putting the ball in the net and creating more chances.”

Livingston’s bright start to the match set the tone for a spirited performance from David Hopkin’s side.

Hibs striker Jason Cummings was guilty of missing a great chance from close range just before the break while Lions striker Jordan White hit the cross bar in the second half before Gary Glen missed a sitter at the death.


Livingston defender Darren Cole, meanwhile, is delighted to be back playing after four months on the sidelines with a knee injury.

The former Rangers trainee said: “I had patellar tendonitis in the knee. During playing it’s actually okay but then after the pain is like tooth ache. It’s not great.

“I took time out and rested for about four month but it’s okay now.

“It’s brilliant getting back, especially in a big game like that.”

Cole, meanwhile, insists he was not even aware that a small section of Livingston fans allegedly directed racist abuse at him during the defeat at Dumbarton a fortnight ago.

Livingston issued a statement after the game urging their own fans to help them identify the culprits.

Cole added: “I never heard anything but when I got home folk were texting me.

“It was wee laddies, it does not bother me. It’s not good hearing about it obviously.”

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