Home Sport League One & Two Luckless Lewis Martin suffers fresh setback in Dunfermline comeback

Luckless Lewis Martin suffers fresh setback in Dunfermline comeback



Dunfermline have been struck another injury blow after luckless Lewis Martin picked up a hamstring strain as he stepped up his rehabilitation from illness.

The Scotland under-19 cap was an ever-present at the start of the season but, after sitting out a brief spell because of a terrifying car crash in September, he has been sidelined since December 12.

Allan Johnston

The 19-year-old looked to be well on the road to recovery from a viral complaint after featuring on the bench for Saturday’s crucial 3-2 win over Ayr United and playing 90 minutes for the under-20s in their defeat to Celtic on Monday.

However, the versatile defender pulled up in training yesterday and is facing another frustrating spell out of action.

Manager Allan Johnston said: “Lewis Martin picked up a wee strain in training on Thursday morning but hopefully he won’t be out for long.

“Obviously, with him just coming back, and with him playing in the reserve game on Monday night, he’s maybe just done a wee bit too much.

“He just felt his hamstring at the very end of training. It’s a wee bit frustrating but it’s nothing serious.

“He pulled out of training in time. He probably should have stopped before that but he said he was fine.”


Meanwhile, Johnston has urged the Pars to build on their stirring victory over Ayr.

The Pars slipped two goals behind before storming back to secure a key win that gives them a 13-point lead over their opponents and an eight-point gap, with a game in hand, to second-placed Peterhead.

With a trip to face bottom side Brechin City tomorrow afternoon, the East End Park boss has urged his players to press home their advantage.

He added: “The boys have been really bright this week. Obviously it was a massive result for us last weekend, a six-pointer.

“It was a great comeback and it just shows you the quality and the belief the boys have got.

“You look to your big players in big games and I think they produced again. It speaks volumes for the players.

“But it means nothing if we don’t win this weekend.

“Brechin will be fighting for their lives and scrapping for points, so it’s going to be a really, really difficult game and we’ve got to make sure we’re fully focused to get the three points.”


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