Home News Scottish News Moment out-of-control car almost hits men changing flat tyre in Glasgow

Moment out-of-control car almost hits men changing flat tyre in Glasgow


A HEART-stopping video shows the moment an out-of-control driver narrowly misses men changing a flat tyre on a busy dual carriageway.

The dashcam footage then shows the same car come within a few feet of skidding into dual carriageway traffic coming in the opposite direction.

The clip was filmed in Glasgow’s busy Barrhead Road on Monday morning and opens with the Honda involved in the accident being undertaken by a black SUV.

The female driver of the Honda fails to realise the slow lane is partially blocked by a car and a van whose drivers are changing a tyre.

The Honda almost missed the men changing a tyre before coming close to veering into the opposite lane

The Honda pulls into the slow lane and the driver swerves violently to avoid a crash, snaking around the stopped vehicles and missing them by inches.

The car then veers sharply to the right and is stopped from crashing into opposing traffic by a grass mound.

Brad Gant, who captured the footage, published on website Scotland’s Worst Drivers, said: “This one of the reasons why I had a dashcam fitted.

“If the Honda had gone across that central reservation or even clipped the vehicles or pedestrians in lane one then it would all have a very different outcome.

“Luckily no one was injured and the female driver and passenger were a bit shocked but okay.”

Neil Greig, Director of Policy and Research at the Institute of Advanced Motorists, said: “A lucky escape from a classic example of the perils of not looking far enough forward and anticipating a problem.

“The driver who crashed should never have moved to the left without being sure the lane was clear ahead and behind and had clearly not seen the parked vehicles which the other car had spotted and which are visible in the distance.”

Paul Watters, Head of Roads and Transport Policy at the AA, believes the driver failed to drive safely for a number of reasons.

He said: “This video highlights a combination of issues that ultimately led to a potentially serious collision that very luckily ended as a near miss – something AA patrols face nearly every day in their work.
“Given the relatively low speed, the loss of control was quite severe.

“There were clearly observational issues with both drivers.

“It shows just how easy things can get out of control on a seemingly quiet road.”

Police were not involved in the incident.

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