Home In Brief Scottish Labour pull plug on web manifesto after toe-curling blunder

Scottish Labour pull plug on web manifesto after toe-curling blunder

The mistake has now been corrected

SCOTTISH Labour have taken their party manifesto offline after social media users spotted a toe-curling blunder.

Part of the health area of the site had not been finished and in its place were the words “Here’s another section” and “Hello here. Hello there”.

The embarrassing mistake appeared under promises to scrap the bedroom tax and cut cancer waiting times.

The party’s manifesto was published today but taken down offline just a few hours later to fix the gaffe.

The mistake has been seized on by Twitter users – who are jokingly referring to it as Labour’s “Hello here, hello there policy”.

The mistake has now been corrected
The mistake has now been corrected

One user commented: “Some great policies in this Scottish Labour Manifesto, including ‘Hello here, hello there’.”

Another added: “Hello here. Hello there. Disturbingly friendly stuff from Scottish Labour.”

One user who spotted the error – Conor Mckay – added: “Can Scottish Labour clarify whether or not their ‘Hello here, hello there’ policy has been fully costed?”

Twitter user Ruaraidh Dobson took a picture of the manifesto site before it was taken down.

He captioned the image: “Not 100% sure that Scottish Labour’s manifesto page is totally finished.”

One social media prankster with the Twitter name Farty McFartface added: “If Nicola Sturgeon doesn’t open first minister’s questions tomorrow with ‘Hello here, hello there’, she’s missing a trick.”

The mistake has come after many noting how late Scottish Labour have published their manifesto.

Having been released today, there are now only eight days left until Scotland goes to the polls.

A Scottish Labour spokesman claimed that the website was taken down for “no particular reason”, adding “it is back up now”.

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