Home Entertainment Ramsay prompts renewed “Flop Gear” outburst after defending show

Ramsay prompts renewed “Flop Gear” outburst after defending show


TOP Gear guest Gordon Ramsay failed spectacularly to defend the beseiged BBC show from critics today (Mon).

The chef, who appeared on the first episode of the relaunched programme, pointed out on

Twitter that it achieved viewing figures of 4.5 million.

But Ramsay’s comment simply prompted a renewed flood of criticism of the Chris Evans-fronted show, which has been dubbed “Flop Gear” by critics.


Ramsay appeared on the show - dubbed "Flop Gear" - as a celebrity guest
Ramsay appeared on the show – dubbed “Flop Gear” – as a celebrity guest


Ramsay appeared as a celebrity guest alongside actor Jesse Eisenberg on last night’s show (Sun), to take on the new “star in a rallycross car” challenge.

He tweeted today: “All this unfair negativity is ridiculous. 4.5 million viewers speaks for itself.”

Twitter user James Edmunds ?hit back with: “But 4.4 million of those viewers thought it was s***e.”

More than 100 Twitter users then had their say, the majority of them disagreeing with Ramsay.

@Jacko_Mike said: “It was dire pal, not just on a level with the old show but on a level with let’s say Hollyoaks bad.”

Fellow user, Oliver Hodges, said: “I was giving it the benefit of the doubt but I won’t be tuning in again. Dreadful tv.”

Chris Miller said: “Well we are a nation of rubber neckers we just have a morbid fascination with watching a train crash.”

Whilst @dude1979 compounded the negative feeling by saying: “It was s**t. Most watched to see how it would be. It was awful viewing. Evans n joey don’t work.”

But not all the reaction was bad, with some users praising the new format and Ramsay’s appearance.

Tim Hal said: “if it’s any consolation Gordon, I thought you, Jesse & Matt LeBlanc were fantastic.”

Dave Hooker commented: “Watched it this morning, and was pleasantly surprised. #TopGear is back.”

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