Home News Boy, 4, sprints for safety after uncle’s bear joke

Boy, 4, sprints for safety after uncle’s bear joke


THE hilarious moment a little boy ran for his life after being told there was a bear in the woods has been captured on video.

Alfie Young, four, from Musselburgh, East Lothian, was out on a ‘bear-hunt’ with his cousins last weekend when he got the fright of his life and made a dash for it.

His uncle, Ronnie, had told the boys that he thought he could hear a bear in the woods next the path they were using at Vogrie Country Park in Gorebridge, Midlothian.

The video shows all three boys standing on a woodland path and looking excited as they are asked “what are we doing today?”


Little Alfie wasn’t messing about when there was talk of a bear on the loose


The camera pans to the right to show the wooded area next to them.

Ronnie can be heard asking: “Did you hear one? Did you hear one in there?”

The camera pans back to the boys to reveal there are now only two of them – and Alfie is missing.

The camera turns again and find Alfie, running as fast as he can and already some distance from the group.

Ronnie can be heard shouting: “Alfie, come back. I’m only joking.”




Alfie’s mum, Laura Young, 32, revealed that Alfie kept running and was eventually found hiding behind a tree.

She said: “We were out at the park with my brother and his kids. My brother decided to take the boys on a ‘bear hunt’.

“Just before the video, he had spotted some poo on the path and told the boys that it must be bear poo.

“Then a bit further down he told them that he could see one in the woods and Alfie was off.”

She continued: “He was off like a whippet. My brother eventually caught up with him hiding behind a tree a few yards down the path.

“I was just reduced to tears with laughter when I saw it. It’s such a funny video.

“Alfie’s a wee scaredy-cat anyway. A few weeks earlier he was scared because I told him we’d be looking for fairies.”

Social media users were equally amused by the clip when it surfaced online.

Odette Lavaggio said: “Absolutely brilliant. Wee Alfie is like, ‘nah, not for me big man, i’m off!”

Kirsty Wilson commented: “Never laughed so hard in my life. Got laughter tears. Poor wee boy proper legged it!”

Whilst Kristofer Bates said: “Proud of you Alfie, I would have done the same.”

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