Home In Brief Senior carer “called patient bawjaws and mongo”

Senior carer “called patient bawjaws and mongo”

Wallace ordered a colleague to turn off the motion monitor - before the resident had an allergic reaction.

A senior care worker faces a ban from the profession amid claims she repeatedly referred to a patient as “mongo” and “bawjaws”.

Barbara Knox will appear in front of the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) next Wednesday to answer for a number of charges.

In addition to alleging that she referred to patients by highly offensive names, the caring watchdog also say that she “deprived service users of food” by taking it from their bowls.

The actions are said to have taken place between October 2014 and April 2015 at Munro Court care home in Glasgow.

The hearing will be heard in Dundee next week
The hearing will be heard in Dundee next week

The residential home – run by Edinburgh-based Bield Housing and Care – specialises in care for dementia patients.

The charges in full read: “Between October 2014 and April 2015, while employed as a senior care assistant by Bield Housing and Care at Munro Court, and during the course of that employment, you did behave in a verbally abusive and disrespectful manner towards service users, and fail to meet relevant and required standards of practice.

“You did between October 2014 and November 2014, in respect of service user AA repeatedly refer to her as “a mongo” or words to that effect.

“You did repeatedly refer to her as “bawjaws” or words to that effect. You did say “go away mongo” to her.

“You did deprive service users of food, in that between November and December 2014, on various occasions, you did take and eat service users’ food from their bowls.

“You did fail to adhere to the conditions of your registration, in that you did not tell the council that you were subject to a disciplinary investigation by your
employer, and that you had been suspended from work on 1 December 2014.”

The hearing is scheduled to take place over two days in Dundee, concluding on Thursday 22 September.

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