Home News Heart-rending picture of “divorce flowers” goes viral

Heart-rending picture of “divorce flowers” goes viral

The emotional Twitter post has attracted over 100,000 likes and retweets

THE heart-breaking picture of flowers a husband bought his wife on the day their divorce was confirmed has gone viral.

A Twitter user known as ‘Mo’, from Pearland, Texas, uploaded a picture of the flowers her father had bought her mother at the end of 19 years of marriage.

The heart-wrenching post also includes a note from her father accompanying the flowers which simply says: “Always gonna be you.”


The emotional Twitter post has attracted over 100,000 likes and retweets


Mo says her father used to buy her mother flowers when she was having a bad day and managed to send her favourite ones despite the end of their long marriage.

Her post has tugged on the heart-strings of people around the world and has already amassed over 100,000 likes and retweets.

Her post, uploaded yesterday, read: “My parents after 19 years of being married, were going through a divorce and it got finalised today.


Popstar Pharrell was used by one Twitter user to show how emotional they had become because of the post


“My dad sent my mum her favorite flowers. He used to send her flowers when she was having a bad day and to know that even after today he still did it breaks my heart.

“I have never cried so hard over four simple words.”

One photo shows the vibrant bunch of red and pink flowers in their bowl whilst the other is a close up of the printed note, which says in bold, black writing: “Always gonna be you, Jason.”

Twitter users have been quick to share their sympathy, with many posting images and videos of people crying.

One user, known as ‘Crystal Clod’, replied with an image of the famous singer, Pharrell Williams, wiping a tear from his eye.

Ali responded with an image of a man with tears in his eyes and simply said: “Me right now after this.”

Other users posted images of young children crying whilst others used images of popular memes to show their feelings.

One user, Jillian, added: “God damn. It’s the worst when you always hold love in your heart for the other person.

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