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Schoolgirl, 9, captures hearts with moving appeal for information about missing Corrie McKeague

Tia with her heart-warming letter

A PRIMARY school pupil has melted hearts after writing an appeal for information about missing Scots serviceman Corrie McKeague.

Tia Clancy, nine, wrote the poignant note and then placed it under her pillow where it was found by her mother.

The 23-year-old serviceman from Dunfermline, Fife disappeared almost eleven weeks ago following a night out in Suffolk and hasn’t been seen since.

Kind-hearted Tia put together a letter urging anyone with information about the RAF gunner to come forward so that “everything else in the whole wide world and nothing else will go wrong.”


The nine-year-old’s letter melted hearts


The caring youngster from Sudbury, Suffolk then added how Corrie’s family and dog are missing him and everyone will be happy again if he is found.

Tia’s mother Kate Burnett didn’t know anything about the letter until she found it underneath her daughter’s pillow.

She posted an image of the message on Corrie’s missing page on Facebook which is followed by almost 71,000 members – including Corrie’s family.

Along with a drawing of Corrie and dozens of sad faces, the note read: “Corrie is missing. Everyone thinks he’s in Bury. His mum is missing him so much. Can you help us to find him.

“If you do, can you ring 999 so the police know that Corrie is not missing anymore and the police can tell everyone Corrie is not missing and everyone will be happy again and that there will be no more worrying and we all hope that Corrie is okay and I bet he is worried about his mum and his dog.

“The police is worried because they probably think he is in the middle of nowhere so can you help, help, please help, please. I am only nine years old.


Tia with her heart-warming letter



“And if you don’t care about Corrie then you should because if that was you and no one cared about you.

“So can you just the help police find Corrie and everyone else in the whole wide world and nothing else will go wrong. By Tia Clancy”

Tia’s proud mother, Kate said: “I haven’t spoken to my children loads about this at all but it shows that it is on her mind.

“The thing is we’ve got a poster about Corrie in the back of the car so she sees that. She asks where he is and why he’s gone. For a child it’s that simple, where is he?

“When I found the letter under her pillow I asked her about it and she just said she was worried about Corrie and that she was going to give it to me.

“I had to share because it made me smile, she’s so thoughtful sometimes. Out of the mouths of babes.”

The post has since been liked almost a thousand times and inundated with kind messages from members of Corrie’s missing page.

Suzy Lisa White said: “That was lovely, what a caring little girl. You should tell her teachers as she deserves a smiley face , that’s what are kids gets at school when they have done something very good or nice.”

Bernie Humpleby wrote: “That’s so beautiful and simply put bless her my 9 year old son has been saying similar to me he doesn’t understand why adults just don’t go tell the police if they know something as we tell children to.”

And Wendy Norris added: “That just sums it all up. Bless her heart.”
On September 24 when Corrie went missing he was wearing white jeans, a pink Ralph Lauren shirt and suede Timberland boots.

He joined his friends in Flex nightclub but left well before closing time, slightly unsteady through drink, and headed for something to eat.

He was last spotted on CCTV at 03.25am walking into a dead-end, loading bay area.
Corrie, a member of RAF Regiment 2 Squadron was reported missing when he failed to turn up at RAF Honington in Suffolk.

On Wednesday his family offered a £50,000 reward, donated by an anonymous business couple, for information that could lead to Corrie’s return.

Thousands of supporters also helped raise more than £20,000 to enable Nicola and her family to hire a private investigator and data analyst after losing faith in Suffolk police.

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