Home News Weight loss actor sings as Laurel AND Hardy after shedding 14 stone

Weight loss actor sings as Laurel AND Hardy after shedding 14 stone

The actor showed off his impressive weight loss with a Laurel and Hardy style video

AN actor has recreated Laurel and Hardy’s most-loved duets – before and after he shed 14 stone.

River City actor Tom Urie mimes to The Trail of the Lonesome Pine with his “before” self as Oliver Hardy and “after” self as Stan Laurel.

Best known for playing Bob O’Hara in BBC Scotland soap opera River City, Urie sang in Glasgow City Halls last month after his weight loss – performing without being behind a piano for the first time in fifteen years.


The actor showed off his impressive weight loss with a Laurel and Hardy style video


Urie, was also played a bouncer in T2 Trainspotting, clearly planned to make the video prior to the weight loss, as he looks to and fro at his other self throughout the recording.

The black and white filter and slightly flickery screen add to the Laurel and Hardy-esque feel of the duet, which was performed by the pair for their 1937 film Way Out West.

The video is titled ‘Tom and Tom’, was posted on Twitter yesterday with the caption: “I’ve lost 200lbs. I duet with my old self”.

After being posted, the video received an incredible reaction from Twitter users.

Denise Clark wrote: “Looks like two different people Tom. Both handsome though.”

Patricia Brown said: “Well done Tom and what a great way to show your success at such a tremendous weight loss which couldn’t have been easy.”

Nichola Scott said: “Keep up the fantastic work hopefully we will see you back in River City at some point.”

Whilst Greig Forbes made a Laurel and Hardy reference, saying: “Superb. A tip of two bowler hats to you.”

In January, Tom credited his weight loss to “surgery, combined with healthy eating and exercise.”

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