Home News Walker finds snow tunnel in June despite fourth mildest winter on record

Walker finds snow tunnel in June despite fourth mildest winter on record

Credit: Tom Backhouse

AN INTREPID mountain hiker has managed to track down a snow tunnel in June despite Scotland’s fourth-mildest winter on record.

Beautiful pictures and video from Tom Backhouse show the amazing, cave-like structure complete with a stream trickling through the middle.

The find is remarkable because Scotland’s skiing industry was badly hit last winter and spring by a severe lack of snow.

Tom was amazed when he stumbled across the snow tunnel whilst out walking near 1265ft (4150ft) Carn Na Criche on June 3.

Tom, a manager at Terrafirma Mine Searches, posted the stunning images and video online, writing: “Awesome first experience of a snow tunnel at the Falls of Dee under Breariach.

“Fair bit of snow under Carn an Criche but it appears to be slipping/detaching and nothing looks like it will last much longer at all.

“Great few days exploring!”

Credit: Tom Backhouse

The structures are created when the snow begins to melt. As water begins to flow underneath a tunnel of air forms, melting the snow from underneath.

The results are magical – vast caverns, with some forming large enough for people to walk through.

Credit: Tom Backhouse

Commenting on the photos, viewers were amazed by Tom’s snaps.

One social media users wrote: “Aye,great shots – tis going to be a VERY lean year.”

Another said: “Great photos Tom! Always special to find a tunnel.”

Whilst one commented: “Brilliant stuff! Great tunnels. Some sight, eh?”

According to the Met Office, the 2016/17 winter was much milder than average across the whole of the UK with Scotland experiencing its fourth mildest on record.

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