Home News “Jezza’s a Jag!” Corbyn sports Partick Thistle scarf in snap on train

“Jezza’s a Jag!” Corbyn sports Partick Thistle scarf in snap on train

Mr Corbyn was spotted on a train wearing the Glasgow club's scarf.

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn has once again stood up for the underdog – by sporting a Partick Thistle scarf on a train.

The politician was photographed at the weekend donning the yellow and red colours of the Scottish Premiership side and sporting a bemused expression.

It’s unclear why the Arsenal-supporting politician was wearing the scarf but Partick, like Mr Corbyn, recently exceeded most people’s expectations.

While Mr Corbyn severely dented Tory expectations of a General Election landslide, Partick managed a top six finish.

The image was posted on the Scottish Football Away Fans Facebook page with the caption: “Jeremy Corbyn wearing a Partick Thistle scarf.”

The original Facebook post where it was unveiled that the Labour leader had worn the scarf.

It is unclear where the photo was taken other than on a train but hundreds of Scottish football fans have commented on the photo.

Jason Stephens wrote: “Aye is always singing ” Oh Maryhill is wonderful” in the House of Commons”

Neil Scoles said: “Jezza’s a Jag”

Eòghann MacLeòid commented: “If this was a Celtic scarf things could have been so different…”

Connor Mailley responded: “Someone’s got to support thistle I suppose”

Some of the comments that the picture received about Mr Corbyn’s choice of Scottish football club.

Normally an Arsenal fan, the Labour leader – much like The Jags season – had a surprise result in the general election, managing to gain back a number of seats from the Conservatives.

The party were forcast to lose up to 100 constituencies but made a late surge in the polls to win 262 seats, a gain of 30 from the 2015 election.

Partick Thistle were also not expected to do well in the Scottish Premier League, having finished ninth in last years competition, just two positions above possible relegation.

The leader of the Labour party was previously spotted swigging a bottle of Scotland’s favorite soft drink – Irn Bru – during a visit to the country in 2015.

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