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Study shows Scots spend a staggering four hours a day binging on boxsets


A NEW study has found that Scots spend an incredible 32 hours a week binging on their favourite box sets.

The research discovered that Scottish people spend more than four hours a day on the sofa in front of their favourite TV shows.

The people of Aberdeen were the biggest box set bingers, spending on average 34 hours and 24 minutes a week watching shows like Prison Break and House of Cards.

Glasgow came in second with an average of 30 hours and 54 minutes per week whilst Dundonians watched on average 30 hours and 36 minutes per week.

And those in Edinburgh came in last with an average of 30 hours and 12 minutes watching box sets.

To mark the launch of the newest series of fan favourite Game of Thrones, Scottish Gas looked at how much time people spend in front of the box or glued to their gadgets.

The figures also showed that Scots spend a staggering 73 hours every week using entertainment tech such as iPads, computers and games consoles.

Computers are the biggest draw of the three, with Scottish people spending a full day a week, 24 hours, glued to their monitors.

Scots also spend 12 hours a week on tablets and five hours a week on games consoles.

Andy Parke, Scottish Smart Energy Expert from Scottish Gas, has some helpful tips to keep energy bills in check while catching up on the latest addictive dramas or surfing the net.

He said: “Whether it’s binging on box sets, browsing the internet or playing on our favourite apps, the Scots clearly love their technology!

“But it’s important to remember that these gadgets can use a lot of electricity if they’re on for long periods of time. Switching them off when not in use and turning them off at the wall rather than leaving on standby overnight can help keep your energy usage in check.

“Having smart meters installed can help, too. They automatically send meter readings to your energy supplier so you don’t have to.

“Smart meters also come with a smart energy monitor that shows you how much energy is being used and how much is being spent, in pounds and pence, in near real time.”

Scottish Gas is currently installing smart meters, for free, in homes across Scotland and over 360,000 are already benefiting from the new tech.

Replacing traditional meters, they come with a handy smart energy monitor, which shows how much energy people are using – even when watching their favourite box set series, Game of Thrones.

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