Home News Mother learns youngest child has died three days before funeral of eldest

Mother learns youngest child has died three days before funeral of eldest

Youngest brother Ryan died on Tuesday 1, days before his brothers funeral

A GRIEVING mother was told her youngest child had died – three days before the funeral of her eldest.
Elaine Hunter was reeling from the loss of her son Ross Morrison, 41, when police turned up at her door.
They gave Elaine the devastating news that her other son, Ryan Hunter, 31, had also died.
Now friends of Elaine, from Kirkcaldy, Fife, have set up a Gofundme page to help her cope with having to arrange funerals for both her sons.
Ross died on July 13 and his funeral was due to go ahead at Kirkcaldy Crematorium tomorrow (fri). But on Tuesday this week, Ryan passed away.
Police Scotland said neither death was suspicious. It has been suggested on social media, but not confirmed by the family, that Ross’s death was drugs-related and that Ryan had been battling cancer.

Ryan Morrison, 41, died on July 13

Carol Dick, who has known Elaine for 38 years, set up the Gofundme page after seeing the difficulty her friend endured organising Ross’ funeral.
She told a local newspaper: “She’s still in shock. Police came to her door and she thought it was to do with Ross’ death, but when they told her about Ryan, it absolutely floored her.
“I know how hard it was for her to get help for the first funeral. It is absolutely shocking. She’s distraught.
“She’s lost two sons in three weeks, so I’m trying to raise £2,000 to help with the costs for Ryan’s funeral.
“No mother should have to bury her son, but for it to happen again like this is awful.”
Carol described the brothers as close, “like any brothers” and confirmed that youngest son Ryan battled cancer about three years ago and came through it.
Asked today (Thu) about social media comment that Ross’s death was drug-related, she said: “I am hoping that after Monday we will find out more.”
Another friend, Tom Glancey, also from Kirkcaldy, said: “I am heartbroken for her. To lose one son is bad enough, but to go through that twice is unimaginable.
“We have set up this appeal to try and help towards the cost of the funerals.”
It is understood that Ross’s funeral will go ahead as planned tomorrow (fri).
Police Scotland said that enquiries had been carried out following the deaths but neither was being treated as suspicious.

Youngest brother Ryan died on Tuesday 1, days before his brothers funeral
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