Home News Moment slide tackling prankster puts himself in hospital

Moment slide tackling prankster puts himself in hospital


A PAINFUL video shows the moment a slide-tackling prankster comes off worse than his target and ends up needing hospital treatment for a bloodied face.
The young man is filmed sliding into the back of his unsuspectig friend in a shop and bowling him over.
But poetic justice is delivered when the falling victim accidentally smacks his elbow hard into the forehead of his tormentor.
A picture taken later shows the sheepish slide tackler in hospital awaiting stitches for a gash that has left his hair matted with blood and gore trickling down his face.
The failed prank is thought to have been filmed in Prestwick, South Ayrshire, was uploaded to social media by Jordan Philbin and has now gone viral.
At the start of the short video two men can be seen walking away from the camera along what appears to be a supermarket shampoo/soap aisle.
The assailant, known only as Barron, runs at speed towards his victim, Jamie, and barrels into the back of his legs.
Jamie’s legs crumple under the impact and he is seen falling back with his elbow cracking Barron in the forehead.
Another man can be heard laughing in the background as Jamie’s elbow makes a dull thud against Barron’s head.
As the clip ends, the wannabe prankster is seen clutching his head clearly in pain.

Shortly after the video was uploaded, Jordan from Prestwick, posted a photo of Barron at hospital with bright red blood streaming down his face where he ended with a number of stitches in the wound.
Tweeting the clip, Jordan said: “Barron’s just done this to Jamie and split his heid open.”
Social media users responded with football-themed comments.
@Billydouglas132 wrote: “Only a yellow what u thinking”
@Moj1872 said: “Never a sending aff”
@CuptieM responded: “Classic Barron. Great guy.”
Last year a woman appeared to be knocked unconcious at a music festival after a similar tackle by another reveller.
The party-goer at the Kendal Calling music festival in Cumbria was unexpectedly rugby tackled from behind and slammed into the ground during an impromptu mud-wrestling bout.
After being tackled, the assailant ran-off with the woman’s hat and left her on the ground, appearing unconscious, as other festival goers tended to her.

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