Home News Cops called after disgusted residents report “jakeys” having loud sex in one-man...

Cops called after disgusted residents report “jakeys” having loud sex in one-man tent

The small patch of grass, on Parliament Street, where the couple set up their tent over the weekend

POLICE were called out after “disgusted” residents reported that a couple had set up a one-man tent in a residential street and were having noisy sex.

Rebecca Curtis-Moss was walking her dogs on Saturday when she stumbled across the unsavoury scene in Edinburgh.

She shortly afterwards posted on Facebook, said: “Anyone who is thinking of reporting the jakeys loudly s******g in a tent on Parliament Street, worry not – I’ve just had the weirdest conversation of my life with the police.”

Rebecca then provided a transcript of her call with the police.

It read: “Police: ‘And what noises were they making’?

“Me: ‘Loud noises of coitus’.”

The small patch of grass, on Parliament Street, where the couple set up their tent over the weekend

She added: “I’ve no problem with homeless people. But they were literally f******* outside of some flats. It’s totally inappropriate.

“They could have picked a quieter or more private spot, and ironically, they are right beside a hostel.”

Chelle Manson pitched: “I’d be calling them worse if I walked past with my child. Disgusting. I saw the tramps earlier and they are indeed jakeys.”

But Danie Garland aked: “Can’t folk just have a little bit of fun nowadays in the privacy of their own tent…”

While Carol King said simply: “Who said romance was dead.”

Police Scotland confirmed that officers had investigated the incident but satisfied themsleves nothing untoward was going on.

A spokeswoman for Police Scotland said: “We did have it reported to us as people having sex.

“However, when the officers went to the scene they were fully dressed. There was no criminality reported so we closed the incident.”

It is understood the couple in the tent told police they had been “playfighting”.

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