Home News Bannatyne trolled after he reveals he’s an Uber user despite £220m fortune

Bannatyne trolled after he reveals he’s an Uber user despite £220m fortune


MILLIONAIRE Duncan Bannatyne has been trolled after revealing on Twitter he uses Uber taxis.

The Dragons Den star took to Twitter last night (MON) to complain to the company after being “ripped off” by one of their drivers while using the service in Miami, Florida.

But after hearing that the millionaire’s choice of transport, dozens of Twitter users ridiculed Bannatyne calling him a “cheapskate”.

One user, Richard Green wrote: “Duncan Bannatyne using Uber. Is that the Scottish in you. #cheapskate.”

Bannatyne hit back asking what evidence proves Uber is the cheapest transport in Miami before Richard responded: “It’s just not a brand I would have associated you with.”

He then claimed: “Predatory pricing, paying drivers peanuts, avoiding tax. Uber = Cheap = Unsafe”

Another Twitter follower, Sandra Priddle, wrote: “Well I’ve heard it all now! Duncan Bannatyne using an Uber, only thing you can do is laugh.”

Ashton Jones said: “With the amount they charged you, shoulda just jumped in the chopper!”

Another shocked follower wrote: “You use Uber over getting a licensed taxi? Your gym’s not doing too well then?”

Len Martin wrote: “Why would a wealthy man use Uber?

Graham Long said: “Multi millionaire using Uber?! Try a Black Cab, the world’s finest Taxi service. Fact. #ubered #deleteuber.”

“Poor uni students I can grasp that, but a wealthy man? Why risk your life for a few bob?”

The 68-year-old, who is believed to be worth around £220m, hit back at the trolls and stood up for his decision writing: “Licensed taxis are not here in Miami.

“They don’t have Black Cabs in Miami.”

He also revealed that after contacting Uber’s customer services, they managed to deal with his issue within 15 minutes.

Uber lost their licence in London earlier this year to the delight of black cabs who had complained Uber bypasses local licensing and safety laws.

In October 2014, Uber received an “F” rating from Better Business Bureau (BBB) who said unexpectedly high charges and lack of response to customers were part of the problem.

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