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Scot claims hotel cancelled booking assuming he would be taking drugs at Lost and Found festival


A FURIOUS Scot claims that his hotel booking in Malta was cancelled after the owner realised the Lost and Found dance festival was on – assumed he would be taking drugs.

Jamie Worral from Arbroath, Angus shared screenshots of messages he claims are from the owner of Seafront Apartments, telling him to cancel his booking.

The 21-year-old booked the accomodation months ago for himself and five of his friends.
The men were planning to attend the Lost and Found dance Festival next May.

But on Wednesday Jamie said he got a phone call out of the blue asking him to cancel his booking.

Jamie then claims the discussion continued over text messages with the two in disagreement.

The apparent text conversation shows a phone number, saved under Seafront Appartments, saying that the group of friends are not his “kind of people” because they have a “no drugs, no girls” policy.

Jamie refuses to cancel the booking as it would rack up an extra €200 charge, and gets so wound up he threatens the man.

The owner of Seafront Apartments, who does not wish to be named, has today accused the Scot of lying.

He says that he asked Jamie to cancel because he was not the right clientele for the apartments, and that he agreed.

He adds that Jamie must have created the images as there was no text message conversation.

Lost and Found is a dance music festival held annually in St. Paul’s Bay in Malta.

Jamie shared the screenshots to Twitter on Wednesday, saying: “Can’t get over this boy, had apartment booked for months randomly phones me being mental honestly sounds like Kevin de Bruyne.”

The first shows his call history including two separate two-minute long conversations with ‘Seafront Apartments Malta’.

The rest show a text conversation with the first message coming from the same number as the phone calls.

It reads: “Jamie…our phone call to confirm. You are not our kind of people it is best to cancel the apartment.

“I am also a policeman would you not rather cancel now than have all of you thrown out first night of your festive.

“I did not know that those dates were the Lost and Found festival I know this festival well.
“Our policies are no partying, no drugs, no girls, added guests.”

A shocked Jamie replies: “How dare you. For a start I also work in the emergency services (firefighter four years of service).

“You don’t even know any of the guests apart from the range of ages.

“If you bothered to have a conversation rather than hanging up you would know a bit more about us.

“We are a level headed group of lads so the added guests wouldn’t be a problem.”

What appears to be the number form Seafront Apartments then hits back: “Jamie yes you may be fireman but you can’t count for your friends I know exactly what people go to this festival are like and I don’t like your kind of people.

“Please just go and cancel.”

A now annoyed Jamie then ends the conversation with a threat of violence.

He said: “You’re an absolute supper. It says there is a €200 cancellation fee so you can cancel yourself.

“You better hope I don’t see you when I’m in Malta or you will be getting folded with a body shot.”

Asked whether he cancelled the booking, the owner of the apartments said today (FRI): “I spoke to him. He was coming for the party so I advised him it wasn’t for him here and said OK.

“I said if there is going to be six people coming from the party it is OK but if they are going to be on booze and drugs it’s not ok because there are people in the block who would not like it.

“I gave him my advice and he was OK. There are no screenshots, we only spoke on the phone so if there are screenshots then he made them. He is lying.”

He added: “I advised him that if they are going to be on any kind of drugs or booze then it is better if he thinks twice and from there he cancelled.

“He cancelled immediately because he knows that he and his friends are not suitable to stay in that place if they are coming for the Lost and Found festival.

“He cancelled so that’s it. No big deal. There are other places to stay and book.”

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