Home News Shell game – Tortoise called Winston lives in a mini Clansman

Shell game – Tortoise called Winston lives in a mini Clansman

Winston the tortoise in front of his bespoke miniature Clansman

A STILL Game fanatic has transformed her tortoise’s enclosure into a mini version of the Clansman.

Kirsty Davidson, from Methil, Fife, even named the tortoise after her favourite character Winston – a character who spends the majority of his time in the pub.

Winston, a red foot tortoise, also has a red face and walks with a bit of a limp, so Kirsty couldn’t think of a better fit than naming him after the flat-cap wearing Scotsman.

A colleague from Asda built the miniature wooden Clansman for her – even including an engraved sign above the door.

The 29-year-old tweeted a short clip of Winston wandering around his vivarium, which also has cartoon coasters of the cast members in the background – and has a ‘Craiglang’ sign above it.

Gavin Mitchell, who plays the Clansman’s barman Boaby, retweeted Kirsty’s video and said that he was “loving it”.

Kirsty uploaded the clip with the caption: “Wee Winston loves a pint with the lads.”

The footage begins focussed on the small engraved sign above the entrance to the miniature Clansman.

As the camera pulls out two cartoon versions of the main characters Jack and Victor can be seen peeking through a window.

Kirsty bought a selection of coasters with cartoon incarnations of the Still Game characters, which are available for £3.95 online.

Winston the tortoise in front of his bespoke miniature Clansman

As the camera pans around the vivarium, a coaster of Clansman regulars tight-arse Tam Mullen, Shug “the lug” and Eric can be spotted nestled behind a bowl of water.

Of course Kirsty made sure to include her tortoise’s namesake Winston Ingram, Boaby the barman, gossip Isa and Guinness swigging Edith.

Tortoise Winston then comes into view, heading into his own personal Clansman – perhaps for an afternoon pint and a cold steak pie.

Speaking today (TUE), Kirsty said: “I love still game, I watch it every night. It really helped me when I was suffering with anxiety.

“Winston has always been my favourite character and when I got wee Winston from my boyfriend last Christmas, I knew that’s what I was going to call him. He’s a red foot tortoise, red face and a bit of a limp…who else has these?

“A friend from work made the Clansman for me, and I’ve got a sign that says Craiglang that sits on top of vivarium.

“Winston will be two in April. He’s very mischievous and loves to climb an trash any plants that I put in there.”

Kirsty has had the “mischievous” Wilson for almost a year now

The 29-year-old added that the pair’s favourite episode is “Hatch” – where Jack and Victor install a connecting hatch between their flats so they can both watch satellite television on Jack’s television.

Hilarity ensues when Isa hears about this and gets the wrong end of the stick – and begins telling everyone in Craiglang that they are a gay couple.

Still Game superfan Gary Miller managed to land a role in the series when it returned in 2016.

The 49-year-old landed the role of Walter Ingram, Winston’s brother, in a part written especially for him by the show’s stars and creators Ford Kiernan and Greg Hemphill.

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