Home News Furious farmer shares shocking images after 11 sheep killed in “dog” attack

Furious farmer shares shocking images after 11 sheep killed in “dog” attack


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A FURIOUS farmer has shared shocking images after 11 of her sheep were killed in an apparent dog attack.

Karen Hodgson posted the distressing pictures on social media on earlier this week showing the remains of her flock.

The 38-year-old farmer and her husband Mark, 45, farm 2000 sheep in Wasdale Head, at the foot of Scafell Pike in the Lake district.

The couple discovered the bodies of the sheep on New Year’s Day.

According to Mrs Hodgson, the animals injuries were “consistent with a dog bite” and the incident has been reported to police.

Cumbria Constabulary said that the incident was “frustrating” as it could have been “easily prevented”.

In total, 11 ewes were killed, three tups are still missing and six other sheep were left “walking wounded”.

Mrs Hodgson believes the dog chased the sheep through a large valley where several of the animals were chased into a river where they died.

The Hodgson family lost a total of 11 sheep in the attack

Posting the tragic incident onto social media, the devoted farmer has pleaded with hill-walkers and hikers to keep their dogs on leads.

Speaking about the loss of her sheep, Mr Hodgson said: “It makes me really sad that people still do not understand what damage there dogs can inflict on livestock.

“All we are asking is that people put their dogs on a lead whilst amongst other people’s stock.”

She continued: “We are farmers and make our money from livestock. They are Herdwicks, they are not massively expensive, but are irreplaceable as they are hefted.

“There are no fences where they graze in the summer, they learn where to stay from their mothers, if you just bought new sheep they would wonder for miles.”

She added: “The sheep that had been mauled also had wounds consistent with a dog bite. There is nothing else that could have done this.

“A fox is a scavenger and opportunist it would never tackle a fully grown ewe never mind 11.

“This is the third time this has happened in 12 months.”

One sheep was found by the riverside

The Facebook post has been shared by over 11,000 social media users, and received over 3,000 comments.

In the post Mrs Hodgson said: “Please will people put their bloody dogs on a lead. I have stopped six people this morning already with dogs, none on a lead and two people who are not even carrying one.

“Anyone up there this morning can see the carnage for themselves as we spend our New Year’s Day dragging sheep out of the fields. Please anyone walking today put your dog on a lead.”

Chris Nicholson posted: “Having had this happen to our sheep in the past it is a total disgrace, uncontrolled dogs and ignorant dog owners, remember a farmer can legally shoot any dog running wild among his sheep.”

Belinda Beaumont said: “What is wrong with these stupid bloody dog owners. Who just don’t have a clue how to control their dogs. Just put your dogs on leads when walking where there is livestock. So very sad.”

John Lawson said: “No offence but it’s the owners of the dogs, not the dogs fault. I have my dog off lead all the time as she is very well trained and has not caused one bit of trouble with any other animals. To and from the car is the only time she is on the lead.”

Sarah Rolland, a Wildlife Crime Officer for Cumbria Constabulary, said: “It is frustrating and sad to see that this keeps happening, when it is so easily prevented.

“A dog does not have to physically attack livestock to cause harm – even chasing them can cause distress and easily cause a pregnant sheep to miscarry lambs.

“Owners are urged to simply keep their dogs under control and on a lead, and just because a field may be empty one day, it does not mean that it will not be full of animals the next. Always exercise caution.

“Owners must also remember that farmers are within their rights to shoot a dog that is worrying sheep on their land, and this will obviously cause huge distress.”

Karen Hodgson, her husband Mark and their three children George, Josh and Harry

A spokeswoman from Cumbria Constabulary said: “I can confirm we received a report of nine sheep having been killed. It appears to have occurred over a 48 hour period.

“Whilst it is a crime there is no investigative opportunities as no persons or animals seen.

“I am also aware information has been put in the media to make dog walkers aware of their responsibilities.”

There was a previous dog attack on several sheep between Christmas and Hogmanay in Carlisle.

As a result a pregnant sheep was killed and two others suffered serious injury. The police are still investigating the incident.


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