Home News Scotsman goes viral after paying brother £40 for chocolate pudding

Scotsman goes viral after paying brother £40 for chocolate pudding


HUNGRY Scotsman has gone viral after he paid his brother £40 for a chocolate pudding after coming in from a night out with “the munchies”.

The man known as “Ollie Davaar” came home from a night on the tiles and found the £1.50 Iceland pudding belonging to his brother Ben McKinlay in the fridge.

However, instead of immediately devouring the choco pud, the thoughtful Ollie texted his brother Ben and offered to pay for it.

The hilarious text exchange between the two siblings has gone viral after Ollie told Ben to “name his price” and demanded to know his bank details

When Ben attempted to tell him to just eat half and leave him the rest, the ravenous man demanded he have it all.

The Iceland employee was then shocked to discover that £40 had been credited to his account.

After demolishing the treat, the hungry sibling then declared that it was not worth the amount he paid.

Ben shared the hilarious exchange on Twitter where it has been retweeted 16,000 times and liked over 80,000 times.

The conversation starts with a message from Ollie saying: “How much was that chocolate pudding thing in the fridge? Name your price.

“Send me your sort code and account number and I’ll send you the money right now. I’m so high and munchied out my tree.”

His sibling attempted to play it down and offered to share the dessert, saying: “Haha shut up and have half of it. Leave me some.”

However a determined Ollie continued: “I want to eat it all. I’m so munchied man. Send me your bank details, I’ll send you an offer you can’t refuse.”

After replying: “Shut up how much?”, Ben received further probes.

They read: “Send me your details and you can check your account. Hurry up, I’m sitting with the pudding just now and I want to scran it. Send me the details.”

He adds: “You gonnae send it?”

Upon checking his account Ben was shocked to discover that his brother had paid him the astronomical fee, giving him a profit of £38.50.

A second screenshot in his social media post shows the transaction for the amount of £40, with the reference ‘Choco pud.’

He uploaded the images to Twitter and said: “My big brother everybody.”

Social media users found the whole situation hilarious and sent in their replies.

Stephen Evans said: “Oh my god, £40. I have been that hungry before.”

Danny Harding said: “This is brilliant.”

Daniel Graham said: “This is class. The munchies on that.”

Another said: “The things that the munchies do to you.”

Megan Royston added: “You’re lucky my sister would just eat it and hope I didn’t notice.”

Speaking today (FRI), Ryan said: “I thought he was kidding on. When I first got the message I told him he could have half of it but obviously that wasn’t enough for him, he wanted it all.

“I got to keep the money and he did eat the whole thing. He told me that it was definitely not worth £40.”

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