Home News JK Rowling brands Trump a “chicken” over cancelled London trip

JK Rowling brands Trump a “chicken” over cancelled London trip

JK Rowling's tweet to Donald Trump calling him a chicken

JK ROWLING has branded Donald Trump a “chicken” after he cancelled his trip to the UK.

Trump was scheduled to visit London in February to open the new US Embassy but cancelled, blaming his predecessor, Barack Obama, for a poor decision to sell the previous building for “peanuts”.

The Harry Potter author has now hit out at him, suggesting he is too chicken to cross the atlantic.

She quoted Trump’s original tweet and simply added a chicken emoji.

Social media users have lapped her comment up with hundreds of replies coming in within minutes.

Leigh Quigg said: “Such a change to wake up to good news from @realDonaldTrump for a change.”

Jesper Weigner said: “Like all bullies Trump is a coward at heart.”

Another said: “Which is of course a horses*** and lame excuse from the twitter-in’-chief POTUS. That thing he’s talking about was done during the last year of the Bush administration. Not under Obama.”

Another said: “He isn’t a politician, he’s an elitist thug in a job he shouldn’t be doing. Saying that, at least he’s listened this time and realised that he’s not welcome. #Trump.”

Carole Scott said: “As if this is why he’s cancelled. I can imagine all involved have breathed a sigh of relief.”

Donald Trump’s tweet explaining why he won’t be attending the opening of America’s new embassy in London.

JK Rowling’s dislike for Trump is far from secret and she has regularly voiced negative opinions about him on her Twitter feed.

Last month she quoted a tweet from him and said: “’The words of a wise man’s mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself.’ Ecclesiastes 10:12.”

And she retweeted a tweet which referenced Trump’s previous lewd remarks about women. It contained a video in which Trump asks if he can touch a turkey, with the caption: “Guess when it’s a turkey he asks permission.”

Back in October, the President went on a multi-tweet rant about Republicans, Democrats and Hillary Clinton which ended with: “DO SOMETHING.”

Rowling quickly shot him down by saying: “Nothing expresses calm confidence better than a caps-locked scream of ‘DO SOMETHING!’”

And in December she also shared a Trump voodoo doll which she received from a fan as a Christmas present.

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