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Mum in hysterics over Argos vaccum cleaner that sounds like a bad opera singer or “trapped child”


A HILARIOUS video shows a faulty vacuum cleaner that makes noises somewhere between a ropey soprano and a “trapped child”.

Argos is now trying to work out why the own-brand machine makes the extraordinarily human sounds.

Carla Esposito filmed the Bush bagless vacuum and posted the video to the retailer’s Facebook page.

Carla, 28, admitted she was sad to be sending back the faulty machine because it made her and partner Daniel McGuigan laugh so much.

The couple, from Bangor, Gwynedd, bought the £42.99 machine from the Argos store in the town on Sunday.

Carla, a marketing officer, could barely believe her ears when she switched the vacuum cleaner on.

Carla posted the short 10-second-clip with the caption: “Hi Argos. We purchased a new vacuum from you today.

“It’s safe to say that it was the most entertaining few minutes of housework I have ever done! I can’t even be angry, as it was worth it for the laughs alone.”

She added: “I’m almost sorry to have to return it to the store this week, but unfortunately I’d never be able to vacuum with the windows open again, or the neighbours would talk

Speaking today, Carla said: “We tried it out when we got home, and it started making the noises instantly. We couldn’t stop laughing.

“I think the rubber seal is faulty so when it sucks in air it makes that noise.

“It did sound like it was singing opera at times. My work colleague says it sounds like it’s vacuumed up a child.”

Carla and Daniel couldn’t stop laughing when they turned on their new hoover

On social media, Adam Dcfc Hoare joked: “I didn’t know a vacuum sang opera.”

Sainsbury’s manufacture Bush products, and sell them exclusively through Argos, wwhich the supermarket chain also owns.

An Argos spokeswoman said, “We’ve thanked Carla for bringing her chatty hoover to our attention. We have also given her the option to swap it for a new one so we can examine it.”

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