Home News Fed-up window cleaner on a mission to scrub up road signs left...

Fed-up window cleaner on a mission to scrub up road signs left in filthy state by council


A WINDOW cleaner is so fed up with grotty, neglected road signs he has launched a one-man mission to spruce them up.

Jamie Simpson is giving his own time at the weekends to head out and scrub road signs in the Scottish Borders.

The 26-year-old has been widely praised for his initiative – while the local council has been told it should be “ashamed” for letting signs get into such bad shape.

Jamie, from Lauder, said: “These dirty road signs do my head in.

“I really can’t deal with them. They’re the first thing you see when you enter a town or village, and they should be spotless.

“So I thought I would give something back to the communities we work in.”

“I’ve just been doing it on my days off, I’ve done most of it myself but had help from the young lad who is my apprentice.”

Jamie couldn’t bare to see the signs in such a state

Jamie has taken a series of before and after pictures of his efforts, which include everything from individual town and village names to major trunk route signs.

Even the most grimy signs are left gleaming following Jamie’s attention.

On social media, Dottie Kennedy said: “Well done Jamie. Council should be ashamed of themselves.”

John Marr said: Well done. Scottish Borders Council take note.”

The 26-year-old has been praised by locals for his efforts

Brendan and Lucy Foy said: “Nice touch, but surely whoever has the contract for these roads should be liable.”

And Christine Boynton said: “Thanks for doing this Jamie. It makes such a difference to the look of these towns and villages. Well done.”

A spokesman for the council said: “Cleaning of non-trunk road signs is a service provided by the council but is dependent on resources and other priority works that need carried out on the road network.”

Last month it emerged that another Borders resident, Gavin Starkey of Kelso, had grown so sick of dog mess in the area that he had started going around scooping it up himself and sending photos to local politicians.

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