Home News “Moronic” biker filmed doing 70mph wheelie past stunned drivers on A-road

“Moronic” biker filmed doing 70mph wheelie past stunned drivers on A-road


A “STUPID” and “moronic” biker has been caught on dashcam doing an estimated 70mph wheelie past astonished motorists.

The rider comes within inches of the vehicles he passes, clearly putting the lives of other road users at serious risk.

The reckless motorcyclist over took a queue of cars travelling on the A1035 between Routh and Tickton, East Yorkshire.

The motorcyclist hugs the centre line and cruised past at least four or five motorists last Sunday (MAR 25).

The clip begins with the dashcam car driving down the A1035 with a queue of motorists in front of him.

Suddenly, a motorcyclist appears from the corner of the footage – not only hugging the centre line but doing a wheelie.

The motorcyclist, wearing a red, black, and white jacket, continues to do the dangerous manoeuvre as he speeds off into the distance.

The dashcam car driver, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: “I didn’t notice him until he wheelied past my car. My first thoughts were how stupid.

“He was very close to to my car and riding on the white lines and dusty central part of the road. That’s not a good idea on two wheels, never mind one.

“I saw him continue to overtake several cars in front of me in the same way.”

A spokesman for SWD Media, who obtained the clip, said: “It is incomprehensible that a rider would pull such a stupid and moronic stunt such as that on a public road.

“Not only could he have easily lost control, and ended up under the wheels of one of the many cars he overtook but could have killed one of the other drivers too.

“The white lines can be slippy, and those cats eyes are raised from the ground, many things could have taken that rider down.

“He might think he is an ‘expert’ and a ‘great rider’ but there are other bikers who also thought that, who are now deceased.

“The message we would give to any biker out there who does this, is you might think you can pull wheelies or other stunts in a safe way but you can never tell what the road ahead is like, nor what other drivers or pedestrians will do.

“If you want to pull stunts go to a race course.”

Humberside Police said they could not comment on the video as it was a Bank Holiday and no-one was available.

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