Home News Boots’ Facebook page swamped by customers protesting stocking of krill oil

Boots’ Facebook page swamped by customers protesting stocking of krill oil


BOOTS’ Facebook page has been bombarded by hundreds of angry customers threatening a boycott over the store selling krill oil.

The tiny, shrimp-like krill are the bedrock of the Antarctic food chain and provide vital sustenance for animals like whales and penguins.

But campaigners are furious that Boots continues to sell health-boosting krill oil supplements containing omega 3.

The firm today stuck to its guns and refused to remove the products, despite moves by Morrisons, Superdrug, Holland and Barrett, and Natures Best to stop selling.

Greenpeace are leading the campaign to have the product removed from UK stores and in the past day, Boots’ Facebook page received 14 complaints an hour – almost one every four minutes.

Chris Payne wrote today (fri): “Unless you wish to see a mass boycott of your stores I’d urge you to stop selling krill oil products.”

The high-street chemist’s Facebook page was inundated with complaints

Lindsay Southcombe said: “Krill oil supplements are damaging to the marine environment. Taking krill totally destabilised the food chain, affecting marine creatures right up to the great whales.

“They have enough challenge to put up with without this. There are plenty of vegetable sources of fatty acids.”

Hossa Aguilar added: “Sadly, one major retailer in the UK is still stocking their own brand krill oil products that are sourced from sensitive Antarctic waters – Boots. Yes only you.”

Carol Hull commented: “I cannot believe Boots are dragging their feet on banning the fishing of krill – which is damaging the ecosystem of our seas. Our wildlife are having such a hard time surviving in our planet and you are still robbing the seas of krill. Please stop there are alternatives.”

A krill is a tiny, shrimp like creature and is the bedrock of the Antarctic food chain (c) Oystein Paulsen

Terri Beale wrote: “I am disappointed to discover that you sell krill oil products that are sourced from the feeding grounds vital to penguins and whales. Please help protect the Antarctic from unnecessary exploitation.”

Jeremy Cox commented: “I am sorry to hear that despite the evidence that the harvesting of krill for oil is damaging sea wildlife you are still selling it. May I urge you most seriously to remove this product from your shelves.”

John Anderson said simply: “Whales and penguins won’t come to your door, but many of your customers will stop doing so also if you don’t take action and stop this practice.”

A spokesman for Boots said: “We are committed to traceability and transparency, and only sell products containing krill oil that comes from MSC [Marine Stewardship Council] and Friends of the Sea certified sustainable fisheries.

Boots have refused to stop stocking the controversial product

“In support of the concerns expressed by Greenpeace, we understand that certification is not enough and we must do more to make sure that the sourcing of krill continues to be sustainable, both now and in the future.

“Boots sells a very small proportion of the annual catch, which itself forms approximately 0.5% of the total estimated biomass of Antarctic krill.

“We believe that we have a responsibility, as a leading industry voice, and are engaging with our stakeholders to understand how we can best use this voice to meet our common goal of more sustainable oceans – which wouldn’t be possible if we were to withdraw from the market entirely.”

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