Home News Motorist leaves vehicle in defence firm car park – and gets attacked...

Motorist leaves vehicle in defence firm car park – and gets attacked with baked beans


A MOTORIST who left her vehicle in a car park used by workers at a defence manufacturer returned to find she had been attacked – with baked beans.

The woman, who wants to be known only as Emma, found the beans dumped on top of her motor in a car park near to submarine makers BAE in Barrow, Cumbria.

The single mother also found a note attached to the windscreen which threatened to report her to BAE’s HR department and advised: “Wake up earlier.”

Emma, 30, took pictures of the bean attack and note and posted them to social media.

The note, hand-written in blue ink on a page of a notebook, warned: “This is not a parking space. People need regular access to these back gates and you’re stopping them!

“There is clearly signs on both gates indicating that access is needed and not to park there.

“Do this again and we will contact BAE Systems HR Department and we will also go to the council. If you want a proper parking space wake up earlier.”

Emma found beans dumped on the top of her car

Emma wrote on social media: “So I got back to my car today to this – I wouldn’t mind but I asked someone if it was ok to park where I was they said it would be fine and I was by no means blocking any gate!

“So whoever you are go tell Who you like and tell them how your vandalised my car!”

She added:“To be honest the whole car park is terrible to get round and some houses back onto it which is what I am supposed to have blocked.

“I just think what a sad world we live in to do that to someone’s car. The note fair enough if I have annoyed you, fine, but the beans!

“I’m a single mum working two jobs and trying my hardest but when something like this happens – yes it’s funny but it’s also time I don’t have to waste cleaning them off my car.

“As far as I was concerned I was not blocking any gate and I even asked another employee if I was parked ok and they agreed it was fine.

“I also noticed when I returned to my car, a resident was able to park their car through one of the gates I apparently blocked.”

A note telling Emma to “wake up earlier” was also left on her car

Her post was shared over various Facebook pages, prompting plenty of comments in response to the beans on her car bonnet.

Zona Smith said: “Emma — please park there again and put a plate and knife and fork on your roof.

Genette Keane wrote: “Hahaha this is hilarious! I would park there again and see what you would get for tea tomorrow.

However, some users were shocked at the wasted food in order to deter Emma from parking in the same spot again with one posting: “As if someone would go out there way to pour beans on your car! Like why waste food like that!”

BAE Barrow is the main contractor for building nuclear submarines in the UK for the Royal Navy. BAE Systems employees over 7,000 people all across the UK working on weapons development for the armed forces.

A spokesman for Cumbria Police said the incident did not seem to have been reported to police.

There was another parking row outrage on August, 10, last year, in Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire.

A trainee scaffolder returned to his car to find dog poo wedged into his door handle after an argument with a local resident and claims to have asked a resident for permission to park his car in the street.


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