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Shocking moment car prank backfires and man is thrown on to road at 55mph



DRAMATIC video shows the moment a prank went badly wrong – resulting in a man falling backwards out of car at 55mph.

Noah Kindl, from New Castle, Pennsylvania, was filmed hanging out of the passenger seat of a car as his sister filmed the antics.

But the 20-year-old cheated death when the hand grip broke away, pitching him on to the road at high speed.

He posted the video onto Facebook with the caption: “So I guess it’s about time. Sunday night I was being a massive idiot and got ballsy.

“I know know how quickly something that’s going good can turn into a s***storm in a matter of a seconds.

“I was going roughly 50-55mph. I got lucky, let the following images and video be a lesson to everyone.

“Please be careful be safe.”

The video shows Noel hanging out the window of the moving car, holding onto the safety handle above the door to keep himself steady.

While loud music is playing in the background, he swings around and puts his finger up to the camera, when shockingly the handle is holding onto breaks and he falls out the moving car.

Speaking about the aftermath of the incident Noel said: “I feel great now. Healing up nicely but right after it happened I was laying there curious if I was dead or not.

“I was scared to death hoping I didn’t die.

“I had no feeling until my sister (the driver) came and hugged me crying.”

One of Noah’s painful injuries.













Pictures show Noel was lucky to suffer nothing more serious than deep abrasions and bruising.

Facebook users commented that Noel was lucky not be more seriously hurt or killed.

Robert Bradley said: “You’re lucky you weren’t killed. Take it as a sign. You were meant to survive. Time to make some changes.”

Alexandria Schilling wrote: “Omg that was scary.”

Katrina Knight commented: “Dude. What the hell were you thinking? You need to get your shit together and stop doing stupid shit like this. You’re lucky you didn’t die. And that I’m not there to kill you now. Or at least punch you in your road rash.”

Hakeem Ramsey said: “Lul dumbass. Glad you’re not dead though. You should stop listening to country music now it makes you do stupid things.”

Writing in the comments, Noel added: “It was an eye opener for me and I’m making some changes to my life.”

Noah before the accident.












Previous incidents of people hanging outside moving cars while being filmed have ended in fatalities.

Last year a topless woman was filmed on holiday in the Dominican Republic hanging out a car window while the driver filmed.

Natalia Borodina, 35, from Moscow was swinging around in just a white bikini bottom outside the window when she hit a post and was fatally injured.

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