Partner PostsBuilder's hilarious guide to picking up dog poo goes viral

Builder’s hilarious guide to picking up dog poo goes viral

A BUILDER has gone viral with a hilariously patronising video aimed at shaming irresponsible dog owners into picking up after their pets.

Kenny Thompson demonstrates in excruciating detail every step involved in picking up dog mess.

The 45-year-old concludes with the blunt message: “Sort your s*** out – and your dog s***!”

Kenny, from Leasowe, Merseyside, bizarrely adopts an “Irish” accent for the video, which has been viewed over 400,000 times since it was posted.

He was stung into taking action after after the local council decided to crack down on all dog walkers by banning them from tourist hotspots as a result of dog mess in the area.

The clip was filmed by Kenny’s wife, Carol, and uploaded to Facebook with the caption: “A lesson from Kenny for all dog owners.”

The clip begins with Kenny, wearing a white top and pink shorts, standing on a footpath with a doggy bag in his hand.

He says: “I just took my dog for a walk on the beach. So for all you people who are anal about how to pick your dog s*** up, this is a little video for you.

“You get these things, they’re called doggy bags, and they’re one pound.”

Kenny then explains that you put your hand inside the doggy bag before demonstrating how and bends down to the ground and points at a pile of dog excrement.

He mockingly adds: “This is a dog turd, this is what it looks like, this is what it passes. You get the bag and you pick the poo up like so. You turn the bag inside out and then you tie it in a knot.

“Once you’ve done that, even if it means walking 50 yards to the bin, which is what I’m going to do now, that’s what you do.”

Carol and Kenny, pictured, were both furious that the local council planned to ban dogs from tourist hotspots.

Kenny then pulls out a small bottle of medicated handwash and drops some on his hand.

He says to the camera: “You just rub it in, you don’t have to worry about picking dog s*** up. It’s as simple as that. Don’t f****** throw it in the tree and be a lazy b******. Walk the 50 yards or the f****** 500 yards, put your s*** in the bin.

“It’s people like you who are stopping us walking our dogs in nice places. Sort your s*** out and your dog s***.”

The clip ends as Kenny, the proud owner of a Staffie cross called Tess, 13, walks down the pathway and gives a disapproving look into the camera.

On social media, Jackie Ashworth said: “That’s made my day. I hope people take notice. It’s no fun walking in it when someone just can’t be bothered to clean up.”

Tracey Stephenson added: “Well done. I’m a dog owner and often feel p****** off and embarrassed by owners who don’t clean up after their dogs.”

The couple are devoted owners of their 13-year-old pooch Tess

Janet Haswell commented: “Well said. Hopefully your fantastic message gets through to the lazy dirty b******s that don’t pick it up.”

While Bernie McNamara wrote: “So many people think it’s beneath them to pick it up. Thank you for showing them.”

Speaking today, Carol said: “The whole point behind the video was that on the Wirral, the council are trying to ban dogs from particular areas, such as our local beach and parks.

“It’s basically due to dog mess. So Kenny decided to make this video to show people how to pick up the muck and dispose of it hygienically.

“Hopefully it’ll encourage people to pick up. I can’t believe how much it’s been shared across the country, it’s fab.”

In June this year, Wirral Council revealed plans to ban dogs from certain areas altogether, as well as introducing other areas where dogs will have to be kept on leads at all times.

The plans would see dog walking banned between May and September in tourist hotspots such as New Brighton, Meols and West Kirby beaches.

Furious local pet owners hit back at the plans and said humans were the real problem, not animals.

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