Home News Baby suffers severe burns at supermarket after bowl of soup placed in...

Baby suffers severe burns at supermarket after bowl of soup placed in reach


MORRISONS is investigating a mother’s claim her seven-month-old baby was horrifically scalded by soup at one of their in-store cafes.

The tot is suffered severe burns and blisters after he grabbed the bowl of boiling soup, according to his mother.

The boy, from Dundee, was with his grandmother in the cafe when a member of staff placed bowl directly in front of him.

The baby reached out and grabbed the bowl, pouring soup down his front and leaving him with severe burns to his right arm, hand and leg.

The boy was rushed to hospital and has been since treated for the burns, with his mother now fearing he may be scarred for life.

Morrisons today confirmed they are investigating and have been in touch with the family.

One of the burns to the boy’s arm

The young boy’s mum took to Facebook to vent her frustration, and her post has now been shared over 1,600 times and had over 2,500 reactions.

Taking to Facebook in a lengthy post, the mum wrote: “My seven-month-old son went with his gran and her grand daughter to the cafe were she ordered soup and sandwiches. My son was seated in a high chair at the end of the table.

“The waiter brought the boiling hot soup over my mother-in-laws shoulder with no warning and placed it on the table in front of my son, while his gran tried to move it quickly her grand daughter had mentioned it was inappropriate to place the soup.

“While his gran moved her soup he tries to grab the bowl scalding himself. The waiter just turned and left, no apologies. My defenceless baby was screaming his head off in pain and his gran was frantic.

“The other waitress was so helpful and rushed around getting cold ice packs. I spent all day yesterday with him, he was badly burnt and may have permanent scars. I get accidents happen but there was so risk assessment done in that waiters head while serving and he never tried to help.”

The distressed mum continued: “After the hospital I went to Morrisons to see the incident report and was told by the very rude manager could not provide that. He was not helpful at all, had no empathy at all, couldn’t give me any answers and acted like he wasn’t bothered.

“I wasn’t gonna post anything but I really don’t want this happening to anyone – the pain my child is going through and the lasting scarring he may have.”

Another burn to the boy’s hand

The mum also shared a series of photographs of the tot’s large red blisters on the inside of one of his legs, and painful pus-filled blisters on his small hands.

Another photograph shows the extent of the young boys burns, with one scald almost covering his entire forearm down to his elbow.

The young boy also has raised blisters on the back of his hand, and had to have his right arm and leg heavily bandaged as a result.

On social media, Debz Raitt (corr) said: “Omg poor baby. I hope he’s ok. My heart breaks for him.”

Claire Worthy added: “Common sense would tell you not to put a bowl of scalding hot soup in front of any child let alone a baby.”

Yve Beautridge commented: “Omg the poor little thing, I do hope he is soon out of pain.”

While Amber Pixie said: “Really pisses me off when people don’t consider kids when they are serving hot food. There have been many times people have passed hot food over my son’s head, it makes me so angry. I hope your baby is ok.”

A Morrisons spokesman said: “Safety is very important to us and we’re speaking to Hudson’s mum to see what happened.”

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