Home News Amazing moment dog on boat fascinated by huge pod of dolphins off...

Amazing moment dog on boat fascinated by huge pod of dolphins off Skye


STUNNING footage shows a dog on a boat completely transfixed by a massive pod of dolphins playing nearby.

Loli, a retired rescue dog, stands at the bow and barely knows where to look as the dolphins speed around the boat.

The remarkable clip was filmed off the southern coast of Skye last Saturday as Loli and owner Trish Brewster were enjoying a day on the water.

Loli. a 12-year-old Weimaraner, leans of the edge of the boat to watch the dolphins’ every moment.

At times there are so many of them, Loli, wearing his own doggy life jacket, can barely work out in which direction to look.

Trish, who filmed the clip in the Sound of Sleet, near her home in Glenelg, posted the clip on social media with the caption: “Omg. I saw small baby ones [dolphins]. All my wishes came true this afternoon. It was amazing.”

The remarkable clip was filmed off the southern coast of Skye last Saturday as Loli and owner Trish Brewster were enjoying a day on the water.

The 53-year-old, originally from York, said today (Tues): “Loli was a rescue dog at 6 months. She is now an old lady of 12.

“We often just go out in the bay in our little boat. However, all of a sudden we were surrounded by at least 100 dolphins, some with babies.

“Loli’s used to going out on the boat. We usually see seals and Porpoises. We think the dolphins stayed so long and came to us because of her – they seemed very interested.”

On social media Carole Davis, said: “Wow. What an awesome experience for you to have. Surprised Loli didn’t want to swim with them.”

Elisabeth Smith added: “Stunning. I love how Loli is watching them too.”

Beth Rosser posted: “ Wow, you are so blessed to have experienced that. Thank you for sharing the video. I just told my hubby I need to move to Scotland.”

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