Home Entertainment COMEDY THEATRE – A Lunch date with the fabulous Don Juan

COMEDY THEATRE – A Lunch date with the fabulous Don Juan

Photo: Andi Crown
Photo: Andi Crown


[star rating =4/5]

The story of the wealthy libertine and womanising protagonist, Don Juan, is portrayed by five flamboyant and fabulous actors to create a fun, and very funny, lunchtime show.

In fact, the audience are very much part of the fabulousness, with several important roles, as part of this interactive theatre experience. While the audience come into the Assembly bubble, the warm and friendly actors make it their job to pick out and prep their cast members before they are the centre of the action.

Don Juan is young, handsome, confident and French, with seductive physical power any Casanova would rival. The fabulous five portray a modern, sassy and very comical Don Juan with excellent vocals and ingenious ‘special effects’ – By ingenious, read ridiculous.

The storyline has a nice balance of sarcasm and fun which had the audience in fits of laughter.

I left feeling like I had been part of a fancy dress fantasy, and it was certainly the best lunch break I’ve had in a while.

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