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“It’s ripping my f****** brain out” Scot whimpers as girlfriend removes his cleansing face mask


A HILARIOUS video shows a Scots teenager failing to cope with the pain as his girlfriend removes a cleansing face mask.

Adam Lamont, 19, screams, swears and shouts as the mask is peeled away painful millimetre by painful millimetre.

The meat factory worker from Cumnock, East Ayrshire, has racked up 600,000 views with the clip.

The clip shows Adam ordering Taylor Weir, 17 to take it slowly as she peels the mask carefully off his face.

The painful noise of the mask slowly detaching from his skin can clearly be heard and at one point Adam makes a strange crying sound.

Shortly afterwards he shouts at taylor: “It’s ripping my f****** brain out.”

He adds: “I don’t like it can I not just wash it off.” Taylor replied: “It can’t wash off.”

The mask is seen draped over Adam’s left eye as his painful ordeal continues.

Adam never realised the true cost of beauty

At another point the pain seems so intense that Adam’s eyes roll up in his head.

Taylor is heard giggling off camera as Adam complains: “It’s not funny.”

The end of the video sees Adam with half the face mask flopped over his face saying: “This is irritating the life out of me.”

Adam was being assisted by his girlfriend Taylor

Adam decided to give the face mask a go as his Taylor uses them often.

He said: “She does them every few days so she asked me if I would do one and I said yeah, but I wouldn’t do another one.

“When it was coming off I never realised the pain would be so irritating as I never realised that the mask pulls out your facial hair so it was rather uncomfortable and sore.

Adam never expected the video to go viral

“I was actually quite surprised with the reaction that it got with everyone, but I’m glad that people are having a good laugh at the video.”

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