Home Entertainment THEATRE – How To Drink Wine Like A Wanker, an autobiographical journey

THEATRE – How To Drink Wine Like A Wanker, an autobiographical journey

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How To Drink Wine Like A Wanker, is a hilarious journey with Anna Thomas as she tells her autobiographical story about how she became the self-confessed “wine wanker” that she is.

This show caught me, like many others in the audience, a bit off guard, which is perhaps the best thing a Fringe show can do.

Whilst it delivers the educational promise of its title, this piece of solo-theatre also becomes a lot more than some quick wit and laughs about living life between the vineyards of South Australia.

Anna tells her story of climbing the corporate ladder, and the troubles that come along with being female in a very male dominated pay bracket. She carries the audience through the emotions of the dark moments on her journey, touching the eyes of a few people in the room, but skillfully manages to quickly pick them back up with her humour.

Often “wine wankers” use pretentious, and flowery imagery to describe the tickling of their taste buds – Anna’s opinion; but these explanations can often seem foreign to those of us outside of the know-how, who might be puzzled by the label and the eccentric explanation offered by somebody with far more knowledge of what “the perfect operetta” tastes like.

For an extra £8.50 on top of your ticket, you can sip along with Anna, as she offers a more relatable explanation of six of the wines which were crucial parts of her schooling from novice drinker, to “wine wanker”.

The most important thing to remember, she says, is that the best wine will always be the one you like the best.

For more online topics about wines visit Sokolin Wines.

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