Home News Hilarious clip shows pony leaving pongy present behind at Morrisons store after...

Hilarious clip shows pony leaving pongy present behind at Morrisons store after being asked to leave


HILARIOUS footage captured the moment a pony decided to leave a present behind while leaving a Morrisons store – in the form of a pongy poo.

The clip, filmed by customer Olivia Reilly, shows a young boy leaving the Warrington, Cheshire store while sat on top of the small horse.

It is unknown why the animal was in the shop but Olivia filmed the pony defecating on the exit floor, before trotting off.

The clip then zooms into the mess left behind as cackling can be heard in the background.

Video shows a pony taking a poo in a Morrisons store

The pony is then shown making a swift getaway before staff can catch up it.

Morrisons today said the pony left behind the pongy present after being asked to leave the store.

Law student Olivia uploaded the video to Facebook last Thursday and it has since attracted over 50,000 views.

She captioned the post: “Ah, Warrington. Popped out to get some almond milk, was greeted by a gypsy getting kicked out of Morrisons on his horse, who mistook the floor for a toilet.”

The video has been shared hundreds of times and attracted several comments on social media.

Morrisons say the pony and owner were asked to leave the store

Ian O’Connor said: “You popped in and he pooped in.”

Sarah Wharton commented: “And that’s why I shop at Lidl!”

Alex Hindley said: “I love this town.”

Jordan Dawson said: “I was in Morrisons when this happened! I walked past this s***.”

Maria Hartless said: “Hahaha amazing.”

Gareth Rimmer commented: “What a dump.”

The video now has around 50,000 views on social media

Speaking today (tue), Olivia, 20, said the reaction to the horse letting its guts out in Morrisons was mixed.

She said: “I saw someone riding through the car park on what I thought was a huge dog, then noticed him going into Morrisons on a horse.

“I went to have a look and saw them getting kicked out, with the horse leaving a gift on floor on the way out.

“Mainly people were just laughing but there were certainly some gags when the horse pooped.”

Morrisons say that they were not keen on the horse sticking around for too long after seeing it in the store.

Social media users found the incident hilarious

A Morrisons spokeswoman said: “A four-legged customer was seen in our Stockton Heath store on its daily carrot shop.

“While Morrisons usually welcomes everybody, we’re not keen on customers horsing around so we asked it politely to leave.”

This is not the first time customers have tried to bring in their unusual pets in supermarkets.

In 2015, a man was thrown out of a Waitrose in Beckenham, South London after taking his pet snake shopping.

Onlooking staff and customers were stunned as the man had the 5ft-long Royal Python draped around his neck.

He was later asked to leave by security guards.

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