Home Entertainment SPOKEN WORD/ THEATRE – Narcissist in the Mirror is an intricately written...

SPOKEN WORD/ THEATRE – Narcissist in the Mirror is an intricately written powerful performance

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[star rating = 5/5]

Narcissist in the Mirror is a powerful piece of theatre, which is both acerbic and poetic in its lyrical writing, making it ever more engaging for the audience.

It is a solo piece of spoken word drama from Nothing To Declare Productions written and performed by 24-year-old Rosie Fleeshman, and directed by her mother, English actress Sue Jenkins – best known for her Coronation Street role as Gloria Todd.

This intricately written one-woman show takes a few forms, but it is structured around a conversation in a dressing room which Fleeshman has with an invisible therapist whom the audience cannot see or hear.

It is an explorational piece of theatre examining the life and lust of a young woman seeking validation and self-worth whilst trying to get her acting career of the ground. The starving artist is more than a little frustrated when she doesn’t immediately achieve everything she had expected, and begins a powerful reflection in the mirror before her.

Narcissist in the Mirror is a spellbinding piece, lit up with delicately styled prose that feels very personal to the actress, allowing for a thought-provoking and innovative production which creates tension by laying insecurities bare, but then seamlessly breaks it with quick witted humour.

Fleeshman is a talented young actress with a well-rehearsed and emotive delivery but her exceptional writing is responsible for keeping the audience hanging on her words, and ensuring the performance is held at such a high tempo throughout.

She is definitely one to watch.

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