Home News Young boy allowed to hang out of car window comes within feet...

Young boy allowed to hang out of car window comes within feet of being decapitated in shocking video


A YOUNG boy allowed to hang his head out of a car window comes within a few feet of being decapitated in a shocking video.

The child – thought to be aged three or four – does not appear to be in any form of restraint as the vehicle speeds along a narrow country road.

A company director travelling in the opposite direction caugh the moment the boy’s head came terrifyingly close to his own vehicle.

David Johnson was driving in Little Chalfront, Buckinghamshire, last Wednesday afternoon when the he recorded the incident.

The boss of Shield-IT said: “As I drive a Wide car (Tesla Model S) and that particular stretch of road was narrow I was extra cautious.

The boy came scarily close to hitting another vehicle

“However to my surprise I noticed an oncoming vehicle with a child hanging out of the rear window.

“The child clearly wasn’t secured in, either with a child seat or an adult seat belt and was hung out of the window so much that I was actually worried it may get struck with my wing mirror.”

The video was passed on to road safety website SWD Media.

An SWD spokesman said:“This footage is shocking, and clearly the boy wouldn’t stand a chance had the driver had to brake in an emergency, or had the vehicle been involved in a collision.

“I would urge police to trace the driver and reiterate the importance of using the correct child seat and restraints – seat belts save lives!”

David posted the video onto a group on Facebook with the caption: “No words.”

The footage was taken by David Johnson who had “no words” about the incident.

The post attracted multiple comments from people who were stunned at the incident.

One user said: “Oh my gosh, and the award for the best father/grandfather goes to the k**b in the white car.”

Another user said: “One word, stupid.”

One user commented: “Good old grandad rules, oh wait what rules?

Another Facebook user said: “Just buzzing along catching flies.”

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